Explore Resources and Plan Your Path
Milestones to Your Degree

SOAR: Attend the mandatory orientation, advising, and registration program before you begin classes at 色中色.
Complete General Education Foundation Courses and exploratory courses.
Learn about My色中色 and BeachBoard.
Mandatory First-Time/First-Year Advising: Learn about this university requirement, your assigned college advising center, and resources that will support your academic success.
Majors: Learn how to declare a pre-major, major, minor or certificate.
Major Specific Requirements: Begin to satisfy introductory courses required to explore the major you have selected.
Undeclared/Exploring: Receive guidance from the University Center for Undergraduate Advising as your explore majors .
Degree Planner: Utilize this tool to help map your course path to graduation.
Important Student Resources
Campus services that support your with your academic and personal acclimation to the Beach.
Financial Aid: Overview of the various types of aid, award timeline and FAQs.
: Overview of programs and services to promote your personal, intellectual and social development.
: Explore your access to BeachMail, advising, BeachBoard, student organizations and more!
Student Life: Explore your campus community from athletics to student clubs to upcoming events.
Personal Support: Discover counseling services to help you meet your academic and personal goals.
: Conquer the financial challenges of college and beyond.
Campus Map: Identify class and office locations.