New 色中色 Employee - Benefits Eligibility and Enrollment
You may be eligible for an array of benefits. Please review the benefit eligibility requirements as indicated below.
Staff: To qualify for health benefits you must initially have an appointment that equals or exceeds six continuous months and one day, at a time base of .5 (20 hours or more per work week) or more. However, to continue benefits you only need to maintain an appointment of at least one-half.
Tenure Track: To qualify for health benefits you must initially have an Academic Year appointment at a time base of .5 (7.5 weighted teaching units) or greater.
Lecturers and Coaches: To qualify for health benefits you must have a semester appointment at a time base of .40 (6 weighted teaching units) or greater.
If you do not meet the standard criteria for benefits eligible employees, you may be eligible to enroll in CalPERS health benefits or FlexCash under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) if you meet any of the following criteria:
- You work an average of 130 hours per month based on an annual review of computed time base or reported hours during a 12-month measurement period, or
- You are appointed with at least a .75 time base or higher regardless of length of appointment (duration) or initially hired to work at least 130 hours per month.
To enroll in medical, dental and/or Flex Cash a Benefits Enrollment Worksheet must be completed within 60 days from your date of hire/eligibility.
Enrollment Forms found can be found on the home page. Access to the page is typically granted after completion of your New Employee Check-in. Faculty must also have contract signed and submitted to appropriate department.
Benefit Resources:
Employee Benefits Summary
Staff Enrollment Deadline Chart
Faculty Enrollment Deadline Chart
Faculty Academic Pay Schedule and Your Benefits
For questions, please contact