Policy Statement - 96-25 5-Year Preliminary Credential CLAD (Crosscultural Language and Academic Development) Emphasis Single Subject Preliminary Credential

5-Year Preliminary Credential 
CLAD (Crosscultural Language and Academic Development) 
Emphasis Single Subject Preliminary Credential 

This program was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 18, 1996, concurred by the President on June 14, 1996 and approved by the CTC on August 22, 1996.

色中色 is b~ginning a new program, the CLAD (Crosscultural Language and Academic Development) - Emphasis Single Subject Preliminary Credential Program. Preliminary approval was received from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) August 1996 to begin Fall 1997. Final approval from the CTC may necessitate program changes. Contact the Single Subject Office for additional information on the CLAD-Emphasis Program. The approved program is as follows: 

1. Complete ail the requirements for the Preliminary Single Subject Credential. 

2. Complete six (6) units of college-level foreign language, or equivalent experience. 

3. Complete successfully with a grade of "C" or higher the following: 

a. EDP 302 or PSY 361; 

b. EDSE 339 or CD/LING 329 or EDP 454; 

c. EDP/LING 485 . 

NOTE: The courses listed in (3) above may be taken concurrently with EDSS 300, before EDSS 300, or after EDSS 300, but they must be taken before Student Teaching. 

EFFECTIVE: Fall 1997 

Code: N/A 
College: 50 
Career: GR 
IPEDS (Cred) ERST: 200