Policy Statement - 95-22 Physical Education, MA in, Options in Exercise Science, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Pedagogical Studies, Sports Management, Sports Medicine, Adapted Physical Education, Sports Studies, Motor Behavior
MA in Physical Education (code 5-1201)
Option in Exercise Science (code 5-1230)
Option in Sport and Exercise Psychology (code 5-1231)
Option in Pedagogical Studies (code 5-1232)
Option in Sports Management (code 5-1233)
Option in Sports Medicine/Sport Injury Studies (code 5-1234)
Option in Adapted Physical Education (code 5-1235)
Option in Sports Studies (code 5-1236)
Option in Motor Behavior (code 5-1237)
Option in Coaching (code 5-1238)
Option in Individualized, Program and Generalized Areas (code 5-1239)
These programs were recommended by the Academic Senate on November 9, 1995
and approved by the President on November 27, 1995.
Each student must complete her/his Option requirements and the Department curricular requirements, which include either a thesis or a comprehensive exam. Detailed information about the general curriculum is contained in the Graduate Studies Handbook, which is available from the Department Office.
1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with a major in physical education; or
2. A bachelor's degree with a minimum of 24 units of upper division courses in physical education composed of prerequisite courses needed for the tentative degree plan and remaining courses to be selected by the student in conjunction with the student's major advisor and approved by the Physical Education Graduate Advisory Council. All deficiencies must be removed prior to advancement candidacy;
3. An overall undergraduate GPA of 2.50 or better and an upper division physical education major GPA of 2.75 or better;
4. A minimum cumulative score of 1350 on the verbal, quantitative and analytical sections of the Graduate Record Examination.
Advancement to Candidacy
1. Completion of the general University requirements for advancement to candidacy;
2. Successful completion of the É«ÖÐÉ« Writing Proficiency Examination. Information about the exam is available in the Testing Office (SSA 216);
3. A graduate program must have approval of the student's advisor, department graduate advisor, and Associate Dean of Graduate Students, Research, and Faculty Affairs for the College of Health and Human Services.
1. A minimum of 30 units with at least 24 units of 500 and/or 600 series courses in physical education, including P ED 590, 696 (a thesis), and an oral examination over the thesis; or
2. A minimum of 36 units with at least 30 units of 500 and/or 600 series courses in physical education, including P ED 590, 695, 595, and an oral and written comprehensive examination;
3. A maximum of 6-9 units of approved extension/continuing education or transfer credit is acceptable on graduate student programs. Specific upper division courses taken after the bachelor's degree may also be counted.
Option in Exercise Science (code 5-1230)
Designed to provide theoretical principles and practical experiences in advanced exercise physiology, exercise testing and training, and biomechanics. Designed to prepare students for certification from the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
1. P ED 550, 551, 552, 540, 590, 696, and either 594 or 697 (3 units)
2. Select 2 courses from the following or select other 6 units with advisor's approval: 541, 562, 565, or 566
Thesis Mode
Four units of P ED 698
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. Nine units of electives
Option in Sport and Exercise Psychology (code 5-1231)
This option provides an advanced education in sport and exercise psychology. Students select an emphasis with an advisor: the research emphasis offers in depth study of scientific problems, and an applied emphasis provides background for coaching and the counsel of athletes.
1. P ED 575, 590, 633, and 696
2. Six units chosen from the following: P ED 524, 526, 546, 574, 577, 593, 630, or 675
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Six units from PSY courses and/or additional electives in P ED
3. Two units of P ED 697
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 15 units from PSY courses and/or additional electives in P ED
Option in Pedagogical Studies (code 5-1232)
This option is designed to prepare those interested in improving teaching effectiveness. Studies in this emphasis will help the student design, develop and evaluate instruction, improve the supervision of skills, and develop expertise in behavioral research methods.
P ED 524, 525, 526, 590, 696, and 697 (3 units)
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Eight units of P ED electives
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 18 units of P ED electives
Option in Sports Management (code 5-1233)
This option provides preparation for management (administrative) and marketing career opportunities in physical education, athletics, or commercial settings. The program is flexible, offers theoretical courses within and outside the department, and provides a practical experience through an internship assignment.
P ED 521, 590, 592, 685, and 696,
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Select three units chosen from the following: P ED 573, 574, 577, 633, 671, or 674
3. 9 units with advisor's approval selected from: EDAD 541, 544, 647; ACCT 500; FIN 500; HRM 500; MKTG 500
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. Select six units chosen from the following: P ED 573, 574, 577, 633, 671, or 674
3. 12 units with advisor's approval selected from: EDAD 541, 544, 647; ACCT 500; FIN 500; HRM 500; MKTG 500
4. Three units of electives
Option in Sports Medicine/Injury Studies (code 5-1234)
Designed to provide the student with an in-depth study in the many health related problems related to individuals who are physically active.
P ED 540, 551, 560, 561, 562, 590, 633, 696, and 697 (3 units)
Thesis Mode
Four units of P ED 698
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. Nine units of electives
Option in Adapted Physical Education (code 5-1235)
Designed to provide advanced preparation in adapted physical education. The coursework is offered to assist students who have an interest in adapted physical activity or special education or corrective therapy.
1. P ED 590, 696
2. 12 units chosen from P ED 537, 538, 546, 638, or 697 (3 units)
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Eight units of electives
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 18 units of electives
Option in Sports Studies (code 5-1236)
This option examines sport from the perspective of sociology, culture, anthropology, history, and philosophy.
1. P ED 590, 696
2. 12 units chosen from P ED 573, 574, 577, 633, 674, 675, or 697 (3 units)
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Eight units of electives
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 18 units of electives
Option in Motor Behavior (code 5-1237)
For those interested in the study of human movement from a behavioral perspective. This includes movement learning, control, and development across the lifespan. In addition, the areas of coaching behavior, athletic performance, and youth sports are considered.
1. P ED 590, 696
2. 12 units chosen from P ED 540, 546, 630, 633, or 697 (3 units)
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. Eight units of electives
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 18 units of electives
Option in Coaching (code 5-1238)
This option offers an in-depth study in the scientific, mechanical, emotional, and methodological realms of coaching.
1. P ED 590, 696
2. 12 units from P ED 524, 540, 551, 560, 562, 575, 630, or 633
3. P ED 593 (3-6 units required after advancement to candidacy)
Thesis Mode
1. Four units of P ED 698
2. 2-5 units of electives
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 12-15 units of electives
Option in Individualized, Program and
Generalized Areas (code 5-1239)
Designed to provide the student with curriculum activities that combine one or more option areas into a program of study. These options are developed by the student with the advisement of a graduate faculty member and/or the Graduate Advisor. A statement of rationale for the proposal must accompany the program of study.
1. P ED 590, 696
2. 15 units from P ED 500/600 level coursework
Thesis Mode
1. Four units P ED 698
2. 5 units of electives (individualized)
Comprehensive Examination Mode
1. P ED 695
2. 15 units of electives (generalized and program areas only)
EFFECTIVE: Spring 1996