Policy Statement - 95-10 MSC-CLAD & MSC-BCLAD (Supersedes 82-08)
Multiple Subject Credential, Cross-Cultural Language and
Academic Development Emphasis (MSC-CLAD) and
Multiple Subject Credential, Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and
Academic Development Emphasis (MSC-BCLAD)
This program was recommended by the Academic Senate on October 14, 1993 and
received the concurrence of the President on November 22, 1993.
It was approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing on January 5, 1995.
A teacher with a Multiple Subject Credential is authorized to teach grades pre-K through 12 in self-contained classrooms. The Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) at É«ÖÐÉ« prepares students to be credentialed in the state of California for elementary and middle school instruction. The program emphasizes daytime field experience in elementary classrooms, and includes methodology courses and student teaching. Courses for the MSCP program can be completed in one summer and two semesters, or three semesters, depending upon prerequisites, (based on full-time attendance unit loads - see the current copy of the Schedule of Classes for full time unit load requirements). Part-time attendance is allowed, but program requirements must be met within seven years from the date one starts the program.
Before beginning the MSCP, students must be admitted to the University. Apply for admission if you are (a) a graduating senior at É«ÖÐÉ«, (b) transferring from another institution, or (c) returning to the University after an absence of one or more semesters. Students may begin taking the prerequisite courses needed for admission to the MSCP as a junior with a minimum of sixty units. Admission to the University, however, does not constitute admission or acceptance to the MSCP. A separate application must be submitted to the MSCP Admissions Clerk in order to be considered for acceptance into the MSCP.
The MSCP is separated into three successive phases. Students may not advance to the next phase before completing the previous one.
During Phase One, students complete program prerequisites, in Phase Two, students complete methodology and culture courses, and in Phase Three, students complete the culminating field experience (Student Teaching).
Phase One - Admission Requirements
1. Attend a MSCP Group Advisement Meeting either before or while enrolled in EDEL 380. The MSCP application and other necessary materials will be distributed only at these meetings. Students interested in one of the three Multiple Subject Credential options are advised to call for information brochures as early as possible before beginning these programs. The information brochures contain a schedule of Group Advisement Meetings as well as the off-campus location where students can purchase the MSCP Handbook (students must bring the handbook with them to the meeting). The MSCP handbook is also available on campus at the Campus Copy Center. Please call the Campus Copy Center for their operating hours and the current price for the handbook at (310) 985-5050. Individual advising is not available until after students have attended one (or both, if necessary) of these meetings. By calling the Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) "Hotline," students will be able to leave their name and address, and will have information brochures mailed to them. The MSCP Hotline is available 24 hours a day by calling (310) 985-1632;
2. Successfully complete EDEL 380 or its approved equivalent with a grade of "B" or better. (Check the MSCP Handbook for approved equivalents);
3. Successfully complete EDEL 360 or MATH 110 or an approved equivalent with a grade of "C" or better. (Check the MSCP Handbook for approved equivalents);
4. Successfully complete (with a grade of "C" or better) one of the following: CD 329, ED P 454, or LING 329 (CLAD/BCLAD only);
5. Successfully complete (with a grade of "C" or better)
ED P 485 (CLAD/BCLAD only);
6. Successfully complete (with a grade of "C" or better) one of the following courses in child development and learning: ED P 301, HDEV 307I, PSY 361 (CLAD/BCLAD only);
7. Submit a tuberculosis skin test or chest X-ray taken within the last three years;
8. Submit one photocopy of all university and/or college transcripts;
9. Submit proof of having taken the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
10. Submit three letters of recommendation;
11. Submit a typed statement describing why you want to teach;
12. Attend an oral interview with a department faculty advisor;
13. Submit the MSCP application along with documents verifying that the above prerequisites have been completed for the semester methods classes will be taken, as follows:
Summer/Fall: January 1 - March 1.
Winter/Spring: August 1 - October 1.
NOTE: Only students enrolled in EDEL 380, EDEL 360 or MATH 110 in Summer Session will be allowed to submit MSCP application packets July 1 - August 1 for admission to the MSCP in the immediately following fall semester. Students must receive a grade of "B" or higher in EDEL 380, and a grade of "C" or higher in EDEL 360 or MATH 110. EDEL 360 or MATH 110 may be taken during the same summer session as EDEL 380. Special oral interview times are set up for students in this category. Please consult the MSCP handbook for further details about this special application period.
Phase Two - Culture, Methods, and Subject Matter Competency
Culture Studies (CLAD/BCLAD only)
Successfully complete (with a grade of "C" or better) a course which concerns world societies and cultures in an international world (general education requirement D-2), such as AMST 319, AIS 319, ASAM 319, B/ST 319, C/LA 319, CHLS 319, W/ST 319 (or equivalent) and one of the following: ANTH 421, EDEL/EDSE 530 (EDEL/EDSE 530 can only be taken by holders of bachelor's degrees or as a senior by petition to instructor and Department Chair).
Methods Courses
Methods courses (EDEL 442, 452, 452B, 462, and 472) are designed to prepare students with the objectives, principles, materials, and teaching procedures needed in basic content areas. Although all of the methods courses require daytime field work, at least one course must be taken off campus and at least one on campus. These courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "C" and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. The CLAD/BCLAD Emphasis requires additional study in language and culture, as well as EDEL 475. One methods course may be taken concurrently with student teaching, but it is not recomended.
Option One - Open Track Emphasis: Core (12 units): EDEL 442, 452, 462, and 472; Student Teaching (16 units): EDEL 482.
Option Two - Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development Emphasis (CLAD): Students in this program must be admitted to the CLAD Emphasis. Core Program (15 units): EDEL 442, 452, 462, 472, 475; six semester units of college-level foreign language (or equivalent); Student Teaching (16 units).
Option Three - Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development Emphasis (BCLAD): Students in this option must be admitted to the Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development Emphasis Program. Ability to converse fluently in Spanish and English is required. Undergraduates should complete the Liberal Studies baccalaureate program with a Bilingual concentration. The Core program consists of 15 units: EDEL 442, 452B, 462, 472, and 475, along with Student Teaching (16 units), EDEL 482B (482C for students on an emergency bilingual credential). The culture and language components for the BCLAD are fulfilled in the Liberal Studies Bilingual concentration. Students completing a non-Liberal Studies bachelor's degree or those with a Liberal Studies degree obtained from another university must complete the equivalent of the culture/history (CHLS 340, 350, and 390I) and language (SPAN 312, 313, 322 and 410) requirements, through course work and language and culture examinations either prior to or during the program, but prior to the culminating field experience.
Subject Matter Competency
All students admitted to the MSCP must meet Subject Matter Competency before beginning Phase 3. At É«ÖÐÉ«, Subject Matter Competency can be accomplished in one of two ways: (a) pass the Multiple Subject Assessment for Teachers (MSAT) exam, or (b) complete or have completed an approved core of courses in the Liberal Studies Waiver Program with no individual grade lower than a "C" in those courses. If Subject Matter Competency was completed at an institution other than É«ÖÐÉ«, an assessment will be made to determine course equivalency. For more information about the Subject Matter Competency requirement, please contact the Credential Processing Office at (310) 985-5710.
Phase Three - Culminating Field Experience (CFE)
CFE (EDEL 482, 482B, or 482C - Student Teaching) is the final phase of the MSCP. A separate application for this phase is required, and must be submitted in person to the Multiple Subject Field Programs Office, located in ED1-06, one semester prior to beginning the CFE. Completed applications received first will be given highest priority for choice of school district. It is possible that not all qualified applicants will be able to student teach in the semester of their choice. The criteria for priority selection is posted outside the Department of Teacher Education office, located in ED1-13, as well as outside the Field Programs office, located in ED1-06. Applications are distributed at the Student Teaching Application meetings. Dates for these meetings are announced during the first week of the methods courses, and are posted throughout the ED-1 and ED-2 buildings well in advance of the actual meeting dates. Deadlines for submitting applications to student teach are:
Fall Semester or Summer Term: March 1
Spring Semester: October 1
Student Teaching Admission Requirements
1. Admission to the MSCP;
2. Passage of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
3. Meet the culture studies requirement for CLAD and BCLAD by successfully completing (with a grade of "C" or better) a course which concerns world societies and cultures in an international world (general education requirement D-2), such as C/LA 319 (or equivalent), and one of the following: ANTH 421, or EDEL/EDSE 530 (for bachelor's degree holders only or by petition) (CLAD/BCLAD only);
4. Six units of college-level foreign language, or equivalent experience (CLAD/BCLAD only);
5. Passage of the Multiple Subject Assessment for Teachers (MSAT) is required of all non-Liberal Studies majors. This exam may be waived by completing the Liberal Studies waiver certificate program, including the subject matter competency courses, in the Liberal Studies program. Consult the Liberal Studies section of the Bulletin for detailed information about the core of courses. Four-fifths of the waiver program and the subject matter competency courses must be completed prior to student teaching.
6. Have applied for a Grad Check for the Liberal Studies Certificate (non-Liberal Studies majors only). Must meet with the Liberal Studies Department prior to this application;
7. A valid tuberculosis skin test or chest x-ray;
8. Have completed Phases 1 and 2 of the MSCP. One methods course may be taken concurrently with student teaching, but it is not recommended. Students enrolled in the Bilingual Spanish/English program are exempt from the off-campus methods class requirement, but must still pass all four methods classes with no grade lower than a "C", and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher;
9. Have received a grade of "C" or higher in EDEL 420 if student wishes to complete their student teaching at the kindergarten level;
10. Have submitted a certificate of clearance or proof of filing with Sacramento;
11. Have submitted a student teaching application, internship application, or supervised teaching in a bilingual (Spanish/English) classroom.
CFE (Student Teaching) Options
1. Student Teaching shall be a full-day experience, with one assignment in a primary classroom (grades K-3), and one assignment in an intermediate classroom (grades 4-6), with at least one grade level separation, e.g. 2,4; 3,5. One student teaching assignment must be in a public school. It is possible to complete student teaching during two consecutive summers, one entire summer (limited availability), or one summer and part of one regular semester, or one regular semester;
2. In cooperation with approved school districts (ABC, Long Beach, and Paramount), an Internship Program is available for selected individuals to teach full time with full pay. This program is limited to outstanding candidates who have successfully completed Phases 1 and 2 of the MSCP, and have been offered employment in a participating district. An additional application and interview is required for the Internship Program. In addition to the student teaching admission requirements, an Intern applicant must meet the following requirements: (a) possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher learning with an overall GPA of 3.0, (b) submit verification of an extensive and successful experience with pupils in a school situation, (c) complete NSCI 401 or EDEL 475 or approved equivalent, (d) complete the Child Development requirement (ED P 301, HDEV 307, PSY 361, or equivalent).
Interns normally carry a full teaching load and serve as a member of the instructional team at the school site. Conditions of employment are governed by the master agreement of each individual school district. Interns are employed by the cooperating school district under the temporary provisions allowed in the Education Code.
3. Requirements for students in the Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) program include: (a) completion of the bilingual concentration in the Liberal Studies major, or for non-Liberal Studies majors, equivalents for the language and culture/history prerequisites, (b) completion of EDEL 452B (in addition to EDEL 442, 462, 472, and 475), (c) a minimum of 150 hours as a volunteer or paid paraprofessional in a bilingual elementary classroom.
Additional Recommended Course for all students
Additionally, the Department of Teacher Education highly recommends that all students complete (with a grade of "C" or higher) P ED 476 prior to student teaching.
Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential
Students completing any of the three options of the MSCP will be recommended for the Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential, which is issued for a five-year period. To renew this credential, the holder must meet requirements for the Professional Clear Credential.
Multiple Subject Internship Credential
In cooperation with approved school districts (ABC, Long Beach, and Paramount), the College of Education at É«ÖÐÉ« offers a Multiple Subject Internship Program. The program offers the opportunity for selected individuals to teach full time with full pay in a participating district as an intern. This program is limited to outstanding candidates who have been admitted to the Department program and have been offered employment by a participating district.
Each of the following admission requirements must be met to be eligible for the internship program:
1. Clear admission to the multiple subject credential program;
2. Baccalaureate degree form an accredited institution of higher education;
3. Completed the liberal studies program and satisfied the subject matter competence of a "B" average on selected courses (or passed the MSAT);
4. Certificate of Clearance verified by the Credential Processing Center;
5. Earned an overall GPA at or above the standard set by the CSU system as well as a "B" average after admission to the MSCP;
6. Description and verification of experiences with students in a school setting, such as serving as a teacher's aide;
7. Minimum grade of "B" in each of the five prerequisite multiple subject methods courses (EDEL 442, 452, 462, 472, and 475);
8. Satisfy the U.S. Constitution requirement (POSC 100 or 391, or exam);
9. Have a valid tuberculosis clearance prior to internship;
10. Submit three references for confidential "Intern Recommendation Form."
1. Complete EDEL 572A-B (8,8);
2. Complete NSCI 401 or EDEL 475 for the science requirement;
3. Complete HDEV 307, PSY 361, or ED P 301 for the child development requirement.
Professional Responsibilities of the Multiple Subject Intern:
Interns normally carry a full teaching load and serve as a member of the instructional team at each school site. Conditions of employment are governed by the master agreement of each district and by school district policies and procedures. Interns are employed by the cooperating district under the temporary provisions allowed in the Education Code.
Professional Clear Multiple Subject Credential
Candidates must meet an approved fifth-year program, and be recommended by an institution which offers a multiple subject credential. A minimum of thirty post-baccalaureate units must be taken. The only exception to the post-baccalaureate requirement is for second semester undergraduate seniors who successfully petition in advance of obtaining the baccalaureate degree to have a maximum of twelve units taken in the senior year count toward post-baccalaureate studies. For further information about this petitioning process, please contact the Department of Teacher Education Multiple Subjects Admissions Office at (310) 985-4507.
The following three courses must be taken in order to receive a Professional Clear Multiple Subject Credential: (a) H/SC 411A, (b) ED P 350, and (c) EDST 450, ENGL 337, or MATH 278. These courses must be taken within five years after receiving the Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential, however, they can be taken as an undergraduate student. If they are taken at the undergraduate level, they will not count toward the thirty unit post-baccalaureate requirement for the Professional Clear Multiple Subject Credential. For further information about the Professional Clear Multiple Subject Credential, please contact the Credential Processing Center at (310) 985-5710.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1995