Policy Statement - 79-29 Transportation Management, Certificate in


The following policy statement, recommended by the Academic Senate at its meeting of April 19, 1979, and approved by the President on November 16, 1979. 

Catalog Description:

Long Beach, containing one of the world's most modern and successful maritime commerce and international transportation centers, is situated in a unique and rapidly growing international hub of transportation. Surrounding its port facilities are five commercial airports, three major transcontinental railroads, and several hundred trucking companies. Further, the Los Angeles metropolitan area presents what is generally considered to be the most challenging set of urban mass transit problems in the United States. Stimulated by a national reassessment of energy realities and a focus on United States balance of: payment problems, a major concentration of the attention and resources of industry and government is to be expected on the transportation facilities, systems, and problems that characterize the community served by California State University, Long Beach.

The Certificate Program in Transportation is a program of preparation for professional competence in' transportation requiring 15 units of upper division work. It is offered in conjunction with an undergraduate major in Business Administration. Courses used to meet the requirements for a Certificate Program in Transportation may also be utilized to satisfy School of Business Administration, or departmental requirements.

The requirements of the program are: 
a.  A Bachelor's degree with a major in Business Administration taken prior to, or concurrently with, the Certificate's requirements. Students in other majors may take the program with the approval of the Director.

b.  A minimum of 15 units of transportation and transportation-related course work at California State University, Long Beach to be selected from the following: After consultation with, and approval of the Director of the Program.

Marketing 340  - Transportation Systems 
Marketing 380  - International Business 
Marketing 442   - Air Transportation 
Marketing 465   - Industrial Marketing 
Economics 431   - Economics of Transportation 
Management 407   - Materials and Logistics Management 
Civil Engineering 426 - Transportation Engineering

The following courses may be selected with the approval of the program Director: . 
Geography 152 or 452 - Economic Geography 
Marketing 495 -- Selected Topics in Marketing 
Marketing 497 - Directed Studies in Marketing

c. A grade of C or better is required for each course taken in the Program. 
d. No pass/fail option is allowed for the Certificate Program.

Any deviation from this program is possible only with the express-written permission of the Program Director.

For additional information and applications, students should contact the Director of the Certificate Program in Transportation, School of Business Administration. 
Rationale for the proposed program:

a.  To coordinate and integrate SBA and University transportation and transport-related course offerings into a specific program of study in the field

b, Anticipated benefits of a transportation certificate program includes 
(l)   Enhanced employment opportunities in transportation for 色中色 graduates:

(2)   An increased number of scholarships, grants, and other financial assistance from the transportation industry. 
(3)   A step toward an internship or part-time employment program in transportation for 色中色 students. 
(4)   Further industry visibility for the Center for Transportation Studies.

Impact on cost-relate factors:

a. Availability of qualified instructors: Qualified instructors already on faculty. 
b. Space requirements: Existing facilities are adequate. 
c. Impact on departmental options in the School of Business Administration: None 
d.  Equipment and Library resources required: Current facilities are adequate. 
e. Additional courses required: No new courses will be required. 
f. Overlap with an existing certificate program: None. 
g. Impact on high school or community college curricula: None. 
h. Permission for inclusion of Economics 331 and CE 426 obtained in meetings with the Chairperson, Department of Economics, and the Dean, School of Engineering.

Effective:  Fall Semester, 1980.