Policy Statement - 74-13 American Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree,聽Major in

NUMBER: 74-13
REFERENCE: Major in American Studies

SUBJECT: Major in American Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree

American Studies is an interdisciplinary program leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The major consists of a series of core courses designed to explore particular issues and problems in American civilization, utilizing interdisciplinary methods and materials; a breadth requirement in American literature and intellectual history; and a sequence of elective courses from various departments chosen in accordance with the student's area of interest.
In addition to providing a broad liberal education focusing on American culture, traditions, and institutions, the major in American Studies offers a useful background for students planning to enter professional careers in teaching, law, library service, journalism, public service, and government. The program also provides the foundation for graduate work in American Studies and related fields.
As preparation for the upper division major in American Studies, students are expected to have completed lower division courses appropriate as background to the study of American culture. Students planning to major in American studies should consult a faculty advisor early in their academic career for specific preparatory course recommendations.
A minimum of 41 units distributed as follows:

Breadth Requirement: English 370A, B; History 477A, B.

Core Course Requirement: American Studies 300, 490, 498.

Elective Pattern: Six or more courses chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor. No more than four of the six may be from any one department and at least three shall be upper division level courses. A minimum of four shall be from one of the thematic course sequences listed below.

a. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS: Criminology 301 or 401; Economics 360 or History 475A, B; History 479A, B or 489 or Political Science 400, 405; Home Economics 413 or Sociology 320; Political Science 421; Academic Senate Office Political Science 423 or 430 or 440.
b. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: American Indian Studies 130 or Anthropology 321; Anthropology 347; Asian American Studies 220; Black Studies 120 or History 486; History 467A, B; Home Economics 413 or Sociology 320; Mexican American Studies 100 or 300; Sociology 445.
c. THE AMERICAN ENVIRONMENT: Biology 203 or 310; Geography 306; History 471A, B, 472, 474A, B; Sociology 419; Urban Studies 401.
d. THE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION IN AMERICA: American Indian Studies 132 or Art 411C; American Indian Studies 330; Art 413A, B; Black Studies 340; no more than two from English 475, 476, 477A, B, 478; Journalism 115; Music 393; Radio-TV 100, 406.
e. THE AMERICAN MIND: No more than two from American Indian Studies 335, Asian American Studies 380, Black Studies 400, Mexican American Studies 310; no more than two from English 474, 476, 477A,
B, 478; History 482; Philosophy 304, 316; Political Science 375.
In lieu of one of the above thematic sequences, an American Studies major, working closely with an advisor, may design his own elective pattern. This pattern, reflecting a balanced and coherent program, must be approved by the American Studies Program Director before the student enrolls for the final twelve elective units.


American Studies 300. The Scope and Methods of American Studies (3)
Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of American civilization. The course is designed to illustrate the theory and method of American Studies and to indicate the scope of the field. This class, taken at the junior level, is prerequisite to the other two required core courses.
American Studies 490. Special Topics in American Civilization (3)
The intensive study of selected major themes in American civilization using materials drawn from a variety of disciplines. The course may be repeated with a different topic for elective credit if appropriate to the student's area of specialization.

American Studies 498. Senior Colloquium in American Studies (3)
The investigation of significant problems in American civilization using inter-disciplinary methods and materials and culminating in an original research paper or project related to the student's area of specialization. This course is designed as the capstone to the undergraduate degree, program and is open to seniors only. American Studies 300 is prerequisite.

Effective upon publication of the 1974-75 General Bulletin.
DEG: sn
July 3, 1974