Policy Statement - 71-02 Urban Studies, Center for聽(Now known as the Certificate program in Urban Studies)
MINUTES 1/15/71
NUMBER: 71-02
The Center for Urban Studies has as its principal objectives the fostering of concern, discussion, analysis, and resolution of urban problems, among participating members of the student body and faculty of the College and its community. Recognition of the scope, and impact of urban problems as they affect people is the first objective of the Urban Studies certificate program. After urban problems are identified and open discussion developed, data associated with general urban questions are analyzed to provide the framework for the development of solutions.
These objectives are promoted by an interdisciplinary approach to urban problems. The Center offers a certificate in Urban Studies which has as its core 9 units of urban studies courses and 15 units of urban studies electives. The electives, approved by the urban studies faculty, are selected from a variety of departments. The urban studies core curriculum is designed to be team taught by faculty from various departments. The introductory lecture course (Introduction to urban Studies 201) leads to a discussion colloquium (Urban Studies Colloquium 401). Both courses progressively delineate the most crucial urban problem areas. The final urban studies core course (Field Experience in Urban Studies 402) is a field course which sends small research teams of students into the community under the direction of an appropriate urban studies faculty member. These research teams will seek out data in public agencies, private institutions and the community at large and recommend approaches to problem solution. In each case cooperation between faculty, students, and the community is essential for the success of the program.
Metropolitan areas and local communities provide the laboratory for urban research. The Center will organize and coordinate urban research and dialogue as an essential and integral part of the maintenance of a certificate program of continuing significance.
Interested students should apply to the Director, Center for Urban Studies, FO2-226.
Requirements for the Certificate in Urban Studies:
1. A bachelor鈥檚 degree with a major in a traditional discipline.
2. 24 units distributed as follows:
Required Courses: Urban Studies Core
201 Introduction to Urban Studies (3) F,S
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.
An introduction to urban studies, including a critical and comparative examination of the most crucial variables which affect the urban community such as population distribution, transportation systems, economic and technological parameters, government and politics, and conflict among differing urban value systems, and generalized problems or questions which result from the interaction of these variables.
401 Urban Studies Colloquium (3) F
Prerequisites: Urban Studies 201 and 9 units of urban studies certificate electives or consent of instructor.
An analysis of the general urban problem areas: housing, transportation, ethnic communities, government, open space, legal justice, poverty, and the quality of life and the development of tentatively proposed solutions.
402 Field Experience in Urban Studies (3) S
Prerequisites: Urban Studies 401 and consent of instruction.
An analysis of specific community problems with thorough field investigation in the community including public agencies, private corporations, and citizen groups. Small groups of students will specify the scale of specific problems and their efforts will be directed by an urban studies faculty member.
Urban Studies Electives:
Fifteen units from the following courses to be selected in consultation with an urban studies advisor. No more than six units shall be from one department. These urban studies electives must be outside the student鈥檚 major.
Art 417 History of Interiors and Architecture (3) F,S
418 History of Design (3) S
Black Studies 210 Afro-American Community (3) F,S
330 Politics of the Black Community (3) F,S
420A,B Psychological Needs of the Ghetto Child (3,3) F,S
Civil Engineering 426 Transportation Engineering (3) On Demand
464 Environmental Engineering (3) F,S
482 City Planning (3) F
Criminology 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3) F,S
481 Police-Community Relations (3) F,S
485 The Role of Police in Society (3) S
Economics 336 Regional Economics (3) S
436 Urban Economic Problems (3) F
Educational 485 Education of Culturally Different Child (3) F,S
Psychology &
Social Foundations
Finance 322 Legal Aspects of Business Transactions (3) F,S
Geography 388 Field Methods in Urban Analysis (3) F
465 Urban Geography (3) S
Health Science 320 Community Health Problems (3) F
322 Environmental Health (3) S
History 474A,B American Urban History (3,3) F,S
Home Economics 342 Housing: Study of Environmental Factors (3) F,S
440 Environmental Factors and the Urban Family (3) F
442 Housing Policies: Public and Private (3) F
444 World Housing (3) S
Mexican-American 210A Mass Media and the Barrio (3) F
Studies 230 Chicano Community Organization (3) F, S
300 History of the Chicano in the Southwest (3) F,S
350 Sociology of the Barrio (3) F
Political Science 426 Urban and Regional Political Systems (3) F
427 American Local Government: Organization and
Problems (3) S
481 Local Planning Law and Administration (3) F
Psychology 351 Social Psychology (3) F,S
Recreation 330 Recreation in the Urban Community (3) F,S
Social Welfare 367 Social Welfare Through Legislation (3) F,S
466 Principles of Public Welfare (3) F,S
Sociology 347 Social Disorganization (3) F