Policy Statement - 14-16 Japanese Language and Pedagogy, MA Asian Studies Option in

Master of Arts in Asian Studies, Option in Japanese Language and Pedagogy


This policy statement was recommended by the Academic Senate on March 19, 2015, and approved by the President on March 27, 2015.

Program Description

The JLP option provides students with a vigorous training in pedagogy to teach Japanese as a foreign and heritage language while they further develop Japanese language ability. The JLP option has two goals. Upon successful completion of the option, students should be able to (1) apply their pedagogical knowledge and skills, which they have acquired in the course work, to their teaching, and (2) develop Advanced-level proficiency of Japanese language based on ACTFL鈥檚 Proficiency Guidelines. All courses are taught in Japanese.




Japanese Language and Pedagogy (JLP) option (33-42 units)


Required Core Courses (12 units):


A/ST 600. Asian Studies and Languages: Research and Methodologies (3) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Asian Studies or consent of instructor.

A/ST 620. Comparative Traditional Cultures of Asia (3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Asian Studies or consent of instructor.

A/ST 630. Asia and Globalization (3)

Prerequisite: A/ST 600 or consent of instructor.

A/ST 697. Research Capstone and Practicum (3) Prerequisites : A/ST 600; A/ST 620 or A/ST 630.


21 units from the following courses and electives, selected with consultation of the graduate advisor:


Five Required Japanese Courses (15 units; JAPN 681 is repeated for six of the 15 units)


JAPN 463/563. Acquisition of Japanese as a Second/Foreign Language: Theory and Practice (3)


Prerequisites: LING 101 or LING 170 or JAPN 461; and JAPN 302 or Placement



JAPN 461/561. The Structure of the Japanese Language (3) Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.



JAPN 482/582. Pedagogical Grammar (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.


JAPN 481/581. Principles and Practice of Teaching Japanese (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, and at least one-400-level course as determined by the instructor.


JAPN 483/583. Curriculum and Materials Development (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or equivalent as determined by instructor.


JAPN 681. Practicum (3-6)

Prerequisites: two of the above courses (JAPN 463/563, JAPN 481/581, JAPN 483/583) or consent of instructor.


Two electives (6 units)


JAPN 421/521. Selected Readings/Writing in Japanese (3) Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 422/522. Technical Japanese (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 451/551. Japanese Civilization

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 452. Japan: its land, people, and culture (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 453. Japanese Culture as Social Process (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 350, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 461/561. The Structure of the Japanese Language (3) Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 462/562. Contrastive Analysis of English and Japanese (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312 or equivalent as determined by instructor.

JAPN 471. Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature (3) Prerequisite: JAPN 371 or equivalent as determined by instructor.

JAPN 481/581. Principles and Practice of Teaching Japanese (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, and at least one 400-level course as determined by the instructor.

JAPN 482/582. Pedagogical Grammar (3)

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or consent of instructor.

JAPN 483/583. Curriculum and Materials Development (3) .

Prerequisites: JAPN 302 and 312, or equivalent as determined by instructor.


EFFECTIVE: Fall 2016


Campus Code: A/STMA02PB College: 28

Career: GR

Major Code: 03011

CIP: 05.0103


PS 14-16