Policy Statement - 13-06 Recreation BA, Option in Recreation Therapy
Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Option in Recreation Therapy (code REC_BA02)
This new option was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 25, 2013 and approved by the president on April 29, 2013.
Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Therapy (120 units)
Students intending to transfer from community colleges to this University are advised to complete general education requirements while attending the community college. Courses equivalent to REC 141, REC 225 and lower-division courses applicable to concentrations within the major (HDEV 180, BIOL 100, GEOL 100, PSY 100), should be taken while attending community college if offered. Other recreation courses taken at community colleges cannot be substituted for upper-division recreation courses.
I. Major Core Courses: Take all of the following:
REC 141 Introduction to Leisure Services (3)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: One GE Foundation course.
REC 225 Programming Recreation Activities (3)
Prerequisite: None.
REC 341 Evaluation and Research in Leisure Services (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in REC 141, 225.
REC 351 Foundations of Inclusive Recreation and Recreation Therapy (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in REC 141, 225.
REC 480 Philosophy of Recreation and Leisure (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in REC 341, 351, and three 400 level REC classes. Open to recreation majors only.
II. Complete the requirements of the Recreation Therapy Option:
1. Take all of the following:
REC 451 Management and Administration of Recreation Therapy Services (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in REC 351, 452
REC 452 Assessment and Documentation in Recreation Therapy (3)
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in REC 351.
REC 453 Comprehensive Programming and Evaluation in Recreation Therapy (3)
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in REC 351.
REC 454 Counseling Technique in Recreation Therapy (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in REC 351, 452.
REC 458 Clinical Techniques in Recreation Therapy (3)
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in REC 351.
HSC 150 Medical Terminology (1)
Prerequisite: None.
PSY 100 General Psychology (3)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: GE A1 requirement.
PSY 370I Abnormal Psychology (3)
Prerequisites: PSY 100, GE Foundation requirements, upper-division standing.
ANTH 319 Human Growth and Development (3)
Prerequisite: BIOL 205 or 207.
REC 498 Internship in Leisure Services (6-9)
Prerequisites: Completion of all major requirements; 1000 hours of verified paid or volunteer leadership experience approved by faculty advisor, or 500 hours of experience and fluency in both English and a second language consistent with 色中色 Language Proficiency Requirements; and consent of internship coordinator.
2. Take both of the following courses:
BIOL 207 Human Physiology (4)
Prerequisite: One GE Foundation course.
BIOL 208 Human Anatomy (4)
Prerequisite: One GE Foundation course.
3. Take 9 units of approved elective courses from the following:
Anthropology, Biology, Communication, Dance, Educational Psychology, Gerontology, Health Science, Human Development, Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2013
Campus Code: REC_BA02
College: 15
Career: UG
CSU Code: 21031
CIP Code: 31.0101