Policy Statement - 13-03 Latino Health and Nutrition Studies, Graduate Certificate in

Graduate Certificate in Latino Health and Nutrition Studies (code CHHSCT01)

This new program was recommended by the Academic Senate on October 18, 2012
and approved by the president on February 22, 2013.

         This certificate focuses on enhancing the academic development and training of health and human service professionals to provide culturally and linguistically relevant care and education for the Latino population through their respective job placements. The certificate is comprised of 18 units. Components of the program include analysis of the health status and access issues affecting Latinos, development of culturally and linguistically relevant interventions, and implementation of chronic disease prevention best practices and community based participatory research. The certificate incorporates a thorough overview of Latino health from early childhood development to the multiple chronic diseases that continue to impact this population. This program must be completed in conjunction with a 色中色 degree program.

Interested students should contact Dr. Britt Rios-Ellis at 562-985-5312 or Britt.Rios- Ellis@csulb.edu.


1. Admission to an active 色中色 graduate program.

2. A minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in a graduate program.

3. Must have completed (with a grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better) the following undergraduate courses or equivalent:

HSC 401 Community Health Education (3)

Prerequisite: H SC 301

HSC 403 Community Health Statistics (3)

Prerequisite: G.E. math and SOC 250 or PSY 210 or equivalent.

NUTR 132 Introductory Nutrition (3)

Prerequisite/Corequisite: One Foundation course.

4. Completion of the Certificate Program Application.

5. One letter of reference.

6. Copies of academic transcripts (turned into the university).


1. A minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in certificate coursework.

2. A minimum of 6 units in certificate coursework completed per academic year.

3. Complete a minimum of 18 units in the required graduate courses:

HSC 507 Health Equity and Health Disparities Research in the US (3)

Prerequisite: Undergraduate major in Health Science or related field.

FCS/HSC 534 Advanced Latino Nutrition, Health and Chronic Disease Prevention (3)

Prerequisite: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, or related fields.

FCS/HSC 537 Culturally Responsive Nutrition Promotion for Latinos (3)

Prerequisite: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, or related fields.

HHS 592A Internship in Latino Nutrition and Health Promotion (3)

Prerequisite: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, or related fields.

HHS 634 Advanced Latino Community Health (3)

Prerequisite: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, or related fields.

HHS 635 Latino Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: A Focus on the Child (3)

Prerequisite: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, or related fields.

EFFECTIVE: Fall 2013 

Campus Code:  CHHSCT01

College:  15

Career:  GR