Policy Statement - 12-08 Education Specialist, School of Psychology

Educational Specialist in School Psychology (code COEDES01)

This new program was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 12, 2012,
approved by the President on April 24, 2012, and 
approved by the Chancellor on July 3, 2012.

          The school psychology program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Students completing this program are employed in prek-12 education to provide direct and indirect psychological and academic support to students. The Educational Specialist degree is based on 60 units of course work (plus 6 prerequisites), thus, it is a more advanced than a master’s degree, which is based on a minimum of 30 units. Student entering the Educational Specialist in School Psychology program concurrently fulfill requirements for the Pupil Personnel Services – School Psychology (PPS/SP) Intern and Full Credentials. The PPS/SP is required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for persons employed in the public schools as school psychologists.

University Admission

          In addition to filing a program application (see next section), prospective students must file an Application for graduate admission along with one complete set of official transcripts with the University Office of Admissions prior to the January 25 due date for fall admissions.


Program Admission

1. Program application

2. Copies of official transcripts verifying a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units) of course work

3. Possession of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university

4. An official transcript obtained from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) General Test of test scores of 300 or higher for the combined Verbal and Quantitative portions of the test or copies of official transcripts verifying completion of a master’s degree in a related field

5. Three letters of reference by persons who have engaged in professional work with the applicant

6. A written personal statement – see current application form

7. Screening interview – after the admission committee reviews all eligible applications, select applicants are invited for an interview with program faculty

Program Requirements

1. Completion of the following prerequisites or an equivalent:

           ED P 405 Positive Strategies for Classroom Management (3)


           ED P 301 Child Development and Learning: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)


           ED P 302 Early and Late Adolescent Development and Learning: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)

2. Completion of the following core courses:

           ED P 525A Psychoeducational Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3)

           ED P 525B Psychoeducational Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: Clinical Applications (2)

           ED P 527 Advanced Assessment for Intervention (3)

           ED P 528 Introduction to School Psychology (3)

           ED P 536 Collaborative Consultation in the Schools (3)

           ED P 560 Functional Behavior Assessment and Positive Behavior Support (3)

           ED P 579 Curriculum-Based Assessments and Academic Interventions (4)

           ED P 641A School Psychology Practicum (2)

           ED P 641B School Psychology Practicum (2)

           ED P 642A Field Work I - School Psychology (3)

           ED P 642B Field Work II - School Psychology (3)

   Completion of the following core courses or equivalent with a minimum of 42 units of the 51 unit core program completed in residency at É«ÖÐÉ«:

               ED P 419 Educational Statistics (3)

                         ED P 517 Counseling and Mental Health in Schools (3)

                         ED P 518 School Crisis Response (3)

                         ED P 520 Quantitative Research Methods in Education (3)

                         ED P 524A Psychoeducational Assessment (3)

                         ED P 524B Psychoeducational Assessment: Clinical Applications (2)

                         ED P 603 Developmental Risk and Resilience (3) 

3. Completion of one of the three options of a 9-unit specialization:

           A. Educational Psychology Emphasis – 9 units chosen from the following:

                ED P 519, 541, 596, 604, 605, 595,

            B. Thesis Option – 6 units chosen from the following:

                ED P 698 Thesis (3)


  ED P 519 Quantitative Educational Data Analysis I (3)


  ED P 595 Qualitative Research Methods in Education (3)


             C. Equivalent Master’s Degree Option - 9 units equivalent from existing master’s degree in related field.

4. Successful completion of comprehensive exam or thesis.

5. Advancement to candidacy:

A.  Take the following:

       ED P 301 Child Development and Learning: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (3) [or ED P 302 Early and Late Adolescent Development and Learning: A Cross-

                 Cultural Perspective (3)]

    ED P 405 Positive Strategies for Classroom Management (3)

       ED P 419 Educational Statistics (3)

       ED P 520 Quantitative Research Methods in Education (3)

       ED P 603 Developmental Risk and Resilience (3)

       ED P 528 Introduction to School Psychology (3)

B. Fulfill the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

6. All University regulations governing the master's degree apply to the Education Specialist in School Psychology degree.

7. Students are annually evaluated for specific professional competencies. If a student is found insufficient on one or more of the competencies, the student may be required to complete additional course work, practica, fieldwork, and/or other activities before being approved for the PPS internship or full credential or the EdS degree.

8. Certificate of Clearance and successful performance on the CBEST is required prior to enrolling in practica:

ED P 641A School Psychology Practicum (2)

9. Completion of the National School Psychology Examination (ETS/PRAXIS II #10400) prior to completion of the program.


EFFECTIVE: Fall 2012


DISCONTINUED - ED_PMA02, Track Two: EffectiveFall 2012


Campus Code:  (COEDES01)

College:  50

Career:  Grad

CSU Code:  20013

CIP Code:  42.2805