Policy Statement - 05-13 Integrated Teacher Education Program聽(Supersedes 01-06)

Policy Statement
January 21, 2005

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies (code L/STBA03)
Multiple Subject Credential
Cross Cultural and Academic Development Emphasis (code 200)

The Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) combines the study of academic subjects aligned to California standards for the K-8 curriculum with professional preparation courses and field experiences leading to a Multiple Subject Credential.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive both a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and a preliminary Multiple Subject Credential. The B.A. portion of the program satisfies the subject matter competence requirements of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) for multiple subject teachers. Within the Integrated Teacher Education Program there are 107 units of required baccalaureate-level coursework and 28 units of credential-specific coursework.

Students who complete the Core and courses, who have completed at least 125 hours of approved Service Learning, and who meet all other University requirements, but who do not advance to the Credential portion of the program, will be eligible to receive a B.A. in Liberal Studies and may apply for admission to the post-baccalaureate Multiple Subject Credential Program.

There are multiple pathways to the teaching profession. ITEP is designed for students who begin their undergraduate education at 色中色 or who transfer into the University in pursuit of both a baccalaureate degree as well as a Multiple Subject teaching credential. Prospective credential candidates who already hold a bachelor鈥檚 degree, or who need information about other pathways and options in teacher credentialing, should refer to the sections of this catalog which describe programs in Teacher Education, Single Subject Teacher Education, and Educational Psychology, Administration and Counseling. Further information about teacher preparation programs can also be obtained from the College of Education at (562) 985-9259 or by e-mail: cedinfo@csulb.edu

General Education and the Integrated Teacher Education Program
As with other Liberal Studies majors, students in the Integrated Teacher Education Program have unique General Education requirements. ITEP is not only an approved major, but an approved alternate general education program. ITEP students receive their General Education advisement within the Liberal Studies office. In completing ITEP, students concurrently satisfy their general education requirements. Students changing their major from ITEP to a major other than Liberal Studies, however, will be subject to the standard University General Education requirements and will want to consult the Academic Advising Center for G.E. advising.

The ITEP Curriculum
The ITEP curriculum has two interrelated components. Students complete required coursework in the ITEP Core and they complete coursework in the methodology of teaching, including student teaching. Admission to this final, Credential portion of the program requires that students apply and be accepted into the Multiple Subject Credential Program at 色中色. In addition, a minimum of 125 hours of service learning, coordinated by the SERVE Program in the College of Education, must be completed prior to graduation.

Admission Under Impaction
To be eligible for admission to the Liberal Studies Teaching Tracks, applicants must have met requirements for admission to the university as a freshman or transfer student. Eligible applicants will be admitted on the basis of cumulative grade point average and space available.

Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program
Prior to enrollment in EDEL 300, ITEP students must be formally admitted into the Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) at 色中色. Students should apply to the MSCP during the semester prior to enrolling in EDEL 300. Admission to the MSCP requires that the candidate: 1) purchase the MSCP for ITEP Handbook; 2) complete EDEL 200; 3) attempt the California Basic Educational Skills (CBEST) examination; 4) attain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.67 or 2.75 in the last 60 units of study; 5) submit a portfolio which includes a SERVE evaluation as well as a typed personal statement describing why you have chosen teaching as a career, what you hope to accomplish as a teacher, and how you view the role of the teacher; 6) attend an interview panel; 7) submit a negative tuberculosis skin test or chest X-ray taken within the last three years. Note: The California Subject Examination for Teachers: Multiple Subjects (CSET) must be passed to advance to student teaching.

The ITEP Core
A minimum of 107 units distributed in Areas I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII. No Core classes may be taken credit-no credit.

Area I: Language Studies (minimum 22 units)

Group 1. Composition in English: Choose one course from ASAM 100, B/ST 100, CHLS 104, ENGL 100

Group 2. Applied Composition: ENGL 309

Group 3. Oral Communication in English: Choose one course from COMM 130, 335

Group 4: Survey of Literature: Choose one course from ENGL 180, 184, 250 A or B, 270 A or B, 375

Group 5. Children鈥檚 Literature: ENGL 481

Group 6. Language Acquisition: Choose one course from C D 329, ED P 454, LING 329

Group 7. Integration and Assessment: L/ST 400

Area II: Mathematics (minimum 12 units)

Group 1. Probability and Activities-Based Statistics: MTED 105

Group 2. Real Numbers: MTED 110

Group 3. Higher Math: MTED 211

Group 4. Integration and Assessment: MTED 402

Area III: Natural Science (minimum 15 units)

Group 1. Physical Science: CHEM 105, PHSC 112

Group 2. Earth Science: Choose from: GEOL 102+104, 106* (*GEOL 106 is the preferred course)

Group 3. Life Science: BIOL 200

Group 4. Integration and Assessment: SCED 401

Area IV: History/Social Science (minimum 19 units)

Group 1. American History: Choose one course from HIST 172, 300

Group 2. California History: HIST 473

Group 3. American Institutions :Choose one course from POSC 100, 326*, 391 (*POSC 326 is limited to and only required of students who have met the U.S. Constitution requirement in a state other than California or through Advanced Placement credit and who must meet the Title V California State and Local Government requirement.)

Group 4. Multicultural Dimensions: Choose one course from AIS/ASAM/BST/CHLS/ 215, AIS/ ASAM/BST/CHLS/WST 319, ANTH 421/LING 425

Group 5. World History/Geography: Take either HIST/GEOG 250*, or HIST 211+ GEOG 100 (*HIST/GEOG 250 is the preferred course)

Group 6. Integration and Assessment: L/ST 471

Area V: Arts and Humanities (minimum 15 units)

Group 1. Music: MUS 180

Group 2. Visual Art: ART 300

Group 3. Dance or Theater: Choose one course from: C/LT 124, 324I, DANC 110, 179, THEA 113, 122, 124, 324I

Group 4. Ethics, Values and Beliefs: Choose one course from PHIL 100, 160, 160W, 203, 204, 305, R/ST 100, 202, 485

Group 5. Integration and Assessment: L/ST 404

Area VI: Critical Issues in Teaching and Learning (minimum 17 units)

Group 1. Information and Technology Competencies: Choose one course from ETEC 110*, 444 (*ETEC 110 is the preferred course)

Group 2. Critical Thinking: Choose one course from: A/ST 190, COMM 131+131W, ENGL 102, HIST 101, PHIL 170, POSC 105, PSY 130

Group 3. Family and School Partnerships: EDP 355

Group 4. Child Development and Learning: Choose one course from: EDP 301, HDEV 307I

Group 5. Physical Education: KPE 476

Group 6. Health Science: H SC 411A

Area VII: Introduction to Elementary Education (Minimum 7 units)

Group 1. Teaching and Learning: EDEL 100, 200, 300

Credential Coursework in ITEP
(Minimum 28 units)

  1. Teaching and Learning Reading, K-8: EDEL 452
  2. Teaching and Learning Mathematics, K-8: EDEL 462
  3. Teaching and Learning Social Science in Diverse Classrooms, K-8: EDEL 472
  4. Teaching and Learning Science, K-8: EDEL 475
  5. Student Teaching in Diverse Classrooms: EDEL 482D

Student Teaching in ITEP
As the final phase of the credential program, student teaching is a half-day for four days and a full day for one day per week for two semesters. All student teachers have one placement in a K-2 classroom and one in a 3-6 classroom.
A separate application is required to advance to student teaching. Applications for student teaching must be submitted in person to the Field Programs Office one semester prior to the first assignment. Application packets are distributed at the student Teaching Application meetings, which are held during the first two weeks of each semester. Dates, times, and locations are announced in methods courses, are posted throughout the ED1 and ED2 buildings and appear on the Department of Teacher Education Website well in advance of actual meeting dates. Deadlines for submitting applications to student teach are:

March 1 鈥 to begin student teaching in the Fall semester
October 1 鈥 to begin student teaching in the Spring semester

Students should note that these deadlines are firm. Late applications are not accepted.

Students must meet the following requirements to advance to student teaching:

  1. Demonstration of subject-matter competence by passage of all three parts of the California Subject Examination for Teachers: Multiple Subjects (CSET: Multiple Subjects).
  2. Passage of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
  3. A negative tuberculosis skin test or chest x-ray valid through the completion of student teaching.
  4. Proof of character clearance (fingerprint background check).
  5. Completion of professional preparation courses (in the MSCP) with a grade-point-average of 3.0 in all subject-specific pedagogy (methods) courses with no grade lower than a 鈥淐.鈥
  6. Submission of a Student Teaching Application by the appropriate deadline.

Asian Language BCLAD


The Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis authorizes teachers to work in dual language classrooms or where a language other than English is required for instruction, support, and communication with parents and other professional communication. The BCLAD Asian Language Emphasis is part of a six campus CSU consortium offering BCLAD preparation and certification in Cambodian (Khmer), Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese), Korean, or Vietnamese. Courses are taken at 色中色 and at other area CSU campuses.

Students seeking dual language certification in Asian Languages must complete the Language Studies Core. They also must fulfill the following additional requirements in one of the Asian language emphases (Mandarin or Cantonese, Khmer, Korean, Vietnamese):

1. Culture Emphasis (one of the following, 3 units):

Chinese: EWS 301, Ethnic Identity: Chinese Americans (Cal Poly Pomona)

Cambodian: ASAM 334, Cambodian American Experience (CSU Long Beach)

Korean: AAS 450, The Asian American Child and the Schools (CSU Northridge)

Or TED 495 Introduction to Korean Culture & Korean American Communities (CSU Dominguez Hills)

Vietnamese: ASAM 333 Vietnamese American Experience (CSU Long Beach)


2. Bilingual Pedagogy in the Language of Emphasis (one of the following, 3 units):

Chinese: EDEL 400 Proseminar: Curriculum and Teaching of Reading (CSU Los Angeles)

OR EDEL 452C Biliteracy: Teaching English and Chinese, K-8 (CSU Long Beach)

Cambodian: EDEL 452K, Biliteracy: Teaching English and Khmer, K-8 (CSU Long Beach)

Korean: EED 520K, Teaching Reading in the Elementary School (CSU Northridge) OR TED 515A, Bilingual Education: Reading, Language Arts and Content in the Primary Language (Korean) (Cal Poly Pomona)

OR TED 494S, Teaching for Biliteracy Development in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Settings: Korean Bilingual Instruction (CSU Dominguez Hills)

Vietnamese: EDEL 452V, Biliteracy: Teaching English and Vietnamese, K-8 (CSU Long Beach)

OR EDEL 448 Methods & Inquiry for Vietnamese BCLAD Candidates (CSU Fullerton)

Note: Culture of Emphasis and Bilingual Pedagogy courses may be taken before admission to the MSCP. See the Coordinator of the Asian BCLAD Consortium for information.

3. Passage of BCLAD subtest #6 in Cantonese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin or Vietnamese language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

4. Student teaching in Bilingual Classrooms EDEL 482E (8 units). This requirement may be used as a substitute for one semester of 482D.

Spanish Language BCLAD


The Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis authorizes teachers to work in dual language classrooms or where a language other than English is required for instruction, support, and communication with parents and other professional communication. The BCLAD Spanish Emphasis is offered on campus or through the BCLAD in Mexico program.

Students seeking dual language certification must complete the ITEP Core in addition to these additional components for Spanish/English BCLAD:

  1. Culture of Emphasis (one of the following, 3 units) CHLS 340 Latinos and Education, or CHLS 350, Latino Population in the US. 
  2. Bilingual Pedagogy of Emphasis (3 units): EDEL 452B, Teaching Reading in Spanish & English, K-8 (BCLAD).
  3. Passage of BCLAD subtest #6 Spanish (4 parts: listening, speaking, reading and writing).
  4. Student Teaching in Bilingual Classrooms: EDEL 482F (8 units), This requirement may be used as a substitute for one semester of EDEL 482D.

Education Specialist ITEP

The Education Specialist ITEP Pathway allows students to work towards a Level I Education Specialist Credential while completing their MSCP ITEP requirements. Students should formally apply to the Education Specialist Credential program at the same time they apply to the MSCP as described earlier. Education Specialist ITEP students must complete all ITEP Core courses taking EDP 454 in Area I, Group 6 and EDP 301 in Area IV, Group 4. Education Specialist ITEP students must complete all MSCP ITEP Credential Coursework and requirements as well with the following exception: Students will complete only one semester of student teaching in a general education classroom instead of two.

Education Specialist ITEP students will then complete all Education Specialist Level I coursework and Field Study as listed below:

  • Education of Exceptional Individuals EDP 350
  • Foundations of Inclusive Education EDP 480
  • Positive Strategies in Classroom Management EDP 405
  • Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities EDP 564
  • Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Disabilities: Literacy, Communication, Social, and Physical Education EDP 567 
  • Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Disabilities: Math, Science, and Life Skills EDP 569
  • Advanced Field Study and Seminar: Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Disabilities EDP 587 or 588B

EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005