Policy Statement - 05-03 Modern Jewish Studies, Bachelor of Arts in

Bachelor of Arts in Modern Jewish Studies (code COLABA01) 

This new program was recommended by the Academic Senate on May 13, 2004, 
approved by the President on June 14, 2004 and approved by the Chancellor on April 18, 2005. 

The Consortial Bachelor of Arts in Modern Jewish Studies is an interdisciplinary major that consists of courses in a variety of disciplines, including literature, history, religion, geography, Hebrew Language, and politics. It will be taught in residence at 色中色 when courses are available. When 色中色 does not offer courses, they will be supplemented by a variety of distance-learning modalities offered through other CSU campuses. 

Students will gain an understanding of Jewish civilizations as the result of interactions of Jewish culture, history, and religion within both societies where Jews have been the dominant majority (the first two Jewish commonwealths and modern Israel) and the minority. Students will explore the constants and diversity of the Jewish experience in different eras and geographical settings. They will be able to define the parameters of the Diaspora and its significance on both Jewish and non-Jewish life. They will understand the significant Jewish beliefs, ethics, philosophies, and religious texts. Students will comprehend the place and role of Israel and Zionism in Jewish life, politics, culture, and religion. They will understand the history of the Holocaust/Shoah and its impact on both the Jewish and non-Jewish worldviews. Students will also gain a basic comprehension of and proficiency in Hebrew. 

A minimum of 43 units. 

Minimum 37 units. 
Introductory course (3 units) being developed; 
Language (4 units) HEBW 101A, 101B, 
Culture and Society (9 units) CWL 342, 344, course from other CSU campuses; 
History area (9 units) chosen from HIST 304, 369, 431, 432; 
Religion and Thought (9 units) R/ST 311, 314, 315I; 
Capstone course (3 units) Senior Seminar being developed. 

Elective Requirements 
Electives (6 units) chosen from GEOG 309I, POSC 367, additional course from other CSU campuses. 

EFFECTIVE: Spring 2005 

Code: COLABA01 
College: 28 
Career: UG 
IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 15102 
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD: 15102