Policy Statement - 03-10 Theatre Arts, Master of Fine Arts in, Option in Theatre Management
Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts
Option in Theatre Management (THEAMF03)
This new option was recommended by the Academic Sendate on May 1, 2003
and approved by the President on June 17, 2003.
The Master of Fine Arts Degree in Theatre Arts is the terminal degree offering the minimum professional training deemed necessary by the major theatre arts schools in the United States.
All students. admitted to the MFA program are members of Califomia Repertory Company and are subject to the operating procedures of the company. CalRep, the professional arm of the Department of Theatre Arts, prepares and performs plays from the canon of international dramatic literature.
Criteria for Admission to the Program
1. Students applying for the MFA program must have completed a bachelor's or master's degree in Theatre Arts from an accredited institution with a 3.0 GPA in upper-division theatre courses, meet University admission requirements, and submit evidence of creative ability and professional intent in one of the following areas: Acting, Technical Theatre/Design, Theatre Management;
2. When an undergraduate degree has been completed in a program having different requirements than those at 色中色 or in some field other than Theatre Arts, additional preparation and time may be required before the student can be considered for classified status in the degree program. Up to 24 units of credit from an MA degree program may be acceptable after review of the faculty evaluation committee and approval by the Dean;
3. Admission to the program in Acting requires audition and interview. Admission to the program in Technical Theatre/Design requires interview and /or submission of original work such as manuscripts, designs, renderings, slides, models and/or working drawings. Admission to the program in Theatre Management requires an interview and submission of several writing samples. Examples of work in related' fields such as public relations, marketing, press releases, critical essays, fundraising, nonprofit or strategic management should be assembled into a portfolio for submission at time of interview;
4. All students admitted into the MFA program will be admitted as conditionally classified. In order to obtain fully classified status, a committee from the Theatre Arts faculty must authorize continuation in the program after evaluating academic progress, individual skills development, and review of performance or portfolio at the end of the student's first full year of residence.
Advancement to Candidacy
1. Attain fully classified status;
2. Remove all undergraduate deficiencies'determined by the departmental evaluation and the Dean of the College;
3. Submit a program for approval by the department chair, the graduate advisor, and the Dean of the College.
The MFA degree is a 60-unit degree normallyrequiring full time residency. Course requirements are arranged according to the following structure depending on the student's choice of option, Acting, Technical Theatre/Design or Theatre Management.
Option in Theatre Management
60 units to include: THEA 501, 523, 524, 696, 517 (4 units), 518 (4 units), 519 (4 units), 550, 502, 503, 504, 507, 602 (6 units), 603, 699; MKTG 500; ACCT 500; and 3 units of electives. Electives, with advisors approval, can be taken from the University at large.
The options share a common core of courses, which offer study in aesthetics, conceptualization, history, theory, literature, and research. The remainder of the courses offers students the opportunity to further develop artistic skills in their particular area of option. The program culminates in a major creative project and written project report.
The option in Theatre Management requires work in a number of different areas including front of house, box office management, press relations, outreach, international development, contracts, and fundraising. Successful completion of different assignments in each area is necessary for advancement in the program.
MFA Transfer and Residence Policy
Transfer credit allowable toward the MFA may not exceed 24 units. The Graduate Advisor must approve all transferred credit use in the MFA Program.
EFFECTIVE: Summer 2003
Code: THEAMF03
College: 55
Career: GR
WEDS (Major) ERSS: 10072
WEDS (Degree) ERSD: 10072