Policy Statement - 03-05 Italian Studies, Bachelor of Arts in

Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies (code RGR_BA09)

This new program was recommended by the Academic Senate on March 8, 2001, approved by the President on May 15, 2001 and approved by the Chancellor's Office on April 28, 2003. The Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies is an interdisciplinary degree program designed to provide students with a rigorous grounding in comparative aspects of Italian life, language, intellectual and cultural production, past and present.  Students majoring in the program must have semesterly consultations with the advisor.  This will ensure the proper selection of courses to enhance language skills and expand knowledge in research and literacy in the appropriate disciplines. Close advisement will also permit the shaping of a student's program to adhere to career needs and personal interests, or to conform to graduate and 
professional school profiles.


The student must complete a minimum of 49 units as approved by the Italian Studies Advisor.

Lower Division

Competency in the Italian Language

16 units of lower division Italian. ITAL 101A,B, 201A, B are required. The advisor may make substitutions and exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Some courses may be waived for students who have completed sufficient high school Italian or have proved proficiency at the intermediate level.  Native speakers of Italian may not enroll in ITAL 101A,B or ITAL 201 A,B.

Upper Division

A minimum of 33 upper division units selected as follows:

A. Competency in Italian Literature and Culture 12 units selected from ITAL 312 A,B, 314, 454, or 490.

B. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Competencies

Students will have the option to choose among three concentrations.  At least 18 units from the suggested courses must be 
completed to fulfill the requirements for each concentration:

Concentration I:  Italy and Europe 
    18 units chosen from:  C/LA 314I, 315I, 444I; C/LT 330A,B, 361, 432;  FEA 318I, 392, 454; GEOG 316; MUS 364I; POSC 301, 353

Concentration II:  Medieval and Renaissance Italy 
    18 units chosen from:  AH 417, 423, 424; C/LT 330A,B, 410, 422I, 430, 432; HIST 312I, 332; MUS 363I

Concentration III:  Modern and Contemporary Italy 
     18 units chosen from:  C/LA 314I, 444I; C/LT 330A,B, 361, 449, FEA 318I,  392, 401, 454; GEOG 316; JOUR 312I; MUS 364I, 436, 468I, 469; POSC 301, 353

C.  Integrative Study Requirements: 
 3 units of integrative course work to be selected as follows:

1) writing a senior essay (under the direction of two faculty members), 
2) completing an internship, or 
3) study in Italy.

Electives and Other Courses

Close work with the advisor will enable majors in Italian Studies to design a comprehensive study plan for their entire 色中色 experience and for life-long learning.  General Education courses and electives should be chosen carefully to coordinate with the major.

EFFECTIVE: Spring 2003 

Code:  RGR_BA09 
College:  28 
Career:  UG 
IPEDS (Major) ERSS:  03122 
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD:  03122