Policy Statement - 03-03 Science Education Master of Science in, Option in Elementary Science Education
Master of Science in Science Education
Option in Elementary Science Education (code SCEDMS01)
This new degree was recommended by the Academic Senate on February 18, 2002, approved by the President on June 14, 2002, and approved by the Chancellor on February 13, 2003. The M. S. in Science Education is designed primarily for credentialed K-12 teachers interested in deepening their understanding of science, education, and the teaching and learning of science. The program includes a blend of courses from the Department of Science Education, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the College of Education. The program introduces candidates to Science Education as a field of study, with its own journals, issues, and research areas.
Option in Elementary Science Education
The option in Elementary Science Education is designed for teachers who are K-8 generalists. Although aimed at those with a Multiple Subject credential, the program may also be appropriate for Single Subject teachers interested in increasing the breadth of their scientific knowledge.
Students completing this option will be prepared to assume positions of greater science leadership at their schools or districts, or go on to further graduate study in science education.
Admission to the Department
In addition to the prerequisites for entrance into 色中色 as a graduate student stated in this Catalog under Graduate Degrees and Post Baccalaureate Studies, the Science Education department requires:
. California Multiple Subject or science teaching credential (or the equivalent).
. GPA of at least 3.0 for the last 60 units of study completed. Students are expected to exhibit high standards of writing proficiency. Students missing any admission criteria may only be admitted after receiving the approval of a department graduate faculty committee.
Prospective graduate students in M.S. in Science Education, including 色中色 graduates, must formally apply for admission to 色中色 as described previously in this Catalog and must also apply directly to the Department of Science Education. All applicants must submit the following documents directly to the Science Education department office:
1. Completion of departmental application form, including personal statement. The application form is available in the Department of Science Education office and on the internet [, click on "Masters Info"].
2. Two confidential recommendation letters, sent under separate cover, including one from an administrator or supervisor at a school where the applicant is (or was) employed.
3. Transcripts (in addition to those required by the university; photocopies acceptable). Prospective graduate students must also receive a positive recommendation following an interview with graduate faculty.
Review by the Graduate Studies Committee
The Graduate Studies Committee will review all completed applications and recommend either accepting of the applicant as a Classified or Conditionally Classified graduate student, or denying admission. All accepted students should contact the Departmental Graduate Advisor before their first semester for advisement and orientation.
Classified Graduate Student
The Department of Science Education will recommend for admission as a Classified graduate student any applicant who has met all prerequisites and been accepted by the Graduate Studies Committee as a Conditionally Classified student.
Conditionally Classified Graduate Student
An applicant who fails to meet the criteria for Classified admission to the Department may be considered by the Graduate Studies Committee for admission as a Conditionally Classified graduate student. The Graduate Studies Committee will determine what deficiencies each applicant has and specify what the individual must do to make up those deficiencies.
The applicant must make up all such deficiencies before attaining Classified status.
The Program of Study
The Program of Study includes successful completion of:
. 6 units from EDP 400, 500, 519, 595, 419, 420, 520, 523, 553, or 623 (chosen in consultation with advisor)
. Science Education core courses: SCED 550, 551, 552
. Science courses: SCED 500, 501, 502, 697
. Thesis/project: SCED 698
Advancement to Candidacy
In addition to the general University requirements stated under Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in this Catalog, the student must have completed satisfactorily the Science Education core courses (SCED 550, 551, and 552) and established a Thesis Committee before receiving Candidate status. Upon evidence of satisfactory academic progress, the Thesis Committee will recommend the student for advancement to candidacy by forwarding its recommendation to the Department Graduate Advisor. Upon approval by the Associate Dean, the student will be advanced to candidacy.
EFFECTIVE: Spring 2003
College: 65
Career: GR
Code: SCEDMS01
IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 08997
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD: 08997