Minor in South Asian Studies

California State University, Long Beach                                             Policy Statement 22-12

April 18, 2022

Minor in South Asian Studies

(This new minor was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 7, 2022 and approved by the President on April 14, 2022.)


Minor in South Asian Studies (15 units)

The Minor in South Asian Studies offers undergraduates an interdisciplinary introduction to the histories, cultures, religions, art, and politics of South Asia. Admission to the Minor is open to all undergraduate students from any college and major across É«ÖÐÉ«.

Take the following:

  • A/ST / I/ST 327: South Asian Studies: Contexts and Challenges (3 units) Select Option 1 or Option 2

Option 1: Take 12 units from the following:

  • AH 466: Buddhist Art of India and S.E. Asia (3 units)
  • AH 467: Hindu and Islamic Art of India (3 units)
  • AMST 325: Beauty Matters: Culture, Politics and Labor (3 units)
  • C/LA 496A: Western Encounters with India (3 units)
  • ENGL 460: Anglophone Postcolonial Literature (3 units)
  • GEOG 314: South Asia (3 units)
  • HIST 385: India and South Asia (3 units)
  • HIST 418: Central Asia and Afghanistan (3 units)
  • HIST 440: The Silk Roads (3 units)
  • HIST 442: The Indian Ocean in World History (3 units)
  • PHIL 307: Philosophies of India (3 units)
  • R/ST 201: Introductions to Religions of Asia (3 units)
  • R/ST 331: A Journey Through Islam (3 units)
  • R/ST 337: Muslim Mystics: Music, Poetry, and Dance (3 units)
  • R/ST 350A: Elementary Sanskrit I (3 units)
  • R/ST 350B: Elementary Sanskrit II (3 units)
  • R/ST 351: Hinduism (3 units)
  • R/ST 352: Religions of India (3 units)
  • WGSS 401: Bodies and Borders (3 units)
  • University-level coursework in South Asian languages (Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, etc.) (3-8 units allowed)


Option 2: Take 9 units from the course list in Option 1 as well as 3 units of internship credits listed below. To count towards the Minor in South Asia Studies, these units must be taken in combination with completion of an internship located in South Asia.

  • I/ST 491: Intercultural Competency (1 unit) and
  • I/ST 492: Intl Studies Internship (2 units)


  • CBA 493: Business Internship (1-3 units)


  • C/LA 492: Internship in Liberal Arts (3 units)


EFFECTIVE: Fall 2023


  • Plan: I/STUM02U1


  • Career: Undergraduate - Minor
  • College: 28, College of Liberal Arts


  • Department: International Studies


  • Delivery: Hybrid