Minor in European Studies
October 17, 2023
Minor in European Studies
(This new minor was approved by the ɫɫ Curriculum and Educational Policies Council on September 27, 2023, and approved by the President on October 3, 2023.)
Minor in European Studies (15-18 units)
This minor aims to bring to students an increased understanding of the diversity of the societies and cultures that span Europe.
Students can take one of two pathways to complete requirements for the minor
Option 1: 15 units
Students who have completed intermediate-level courses in an European language through high school language curriculum, AP, IB, or at community college:
- Core: RGR 314 or 315
- Electives: Four (4) upper-division electives from the list below
Option 2: 16-18 units
Students who have not completed intermediate-level language instruction:
- Core: RGR 314 or 315
- Electives: Three (3) upper-division electives from the list below
- Demonstration of language proficiency: FREN 201B; GERM 201B; ITAL 200 / 201 / 201B; SPAN 200 / 201B / 250; RUSS 200. Language proficiency may also be demonstrated by taking a European language offered at another CSU through CSU Fully Online (eg. Portuguese) or by demonstrating intermediate-level competency through a placement test.
Course Requirements
- Take one of the following:
- RGR 314 - Introduction to Contemporary Europe
- RGR 315 - Contemporary European Society
- Take 12 units (option 1) or 9 units (option 2) from the following (must be courses of at least two different subject prefixes):
- AH 423 - Early Renaissance Art in Italy
- AH 424 - High Renaissance Art in Italy
- AH 425 - Northern Renaissance Art
- AH 426 - Northern Baroque Art
- AH 427 - Southern Baroque Art
- CWL 344 - Literature of the Holocaust
- CWL 406 - Selected Topics - East European Literature and Culture
- CWL 430 - Dante
- CWL 432 - Continental Renaissance Literature
- CWL 438 - 20th Century European Literature
- CWL 449 - Selected Topics - Major Continental Writers
- ENGL 363 - Shakespeare I
- ENGL 451 - Medieval Literature of the British Isles
- ENGL 452 - Literature of the Renaissance (1500 1603)
- ENGL 453 - Literature of the Late Renaissance (1603 1660)
- ENGL 455 - English Literature of the Enlightenment (1660 1798)
- ENGL 456 - English Literature of the Romantic Period (1798 1832)
- ENGL 458 - English Poetry and Prose of the Victorian Age (1832 1900)
- ENGL 459 - English Literature of the Twentieth Century (1900 Present)
- ENGL 462 - Chaucer
- ENGL 463 - Shakespeare II
- ENGL 466 - Irish Literature in English
- FREN 240 – Paris Past and Present*
- FREN 312 - Advanced French I
- FREN 314 - Advanced Conversation
- FREN 320 - Business French
- FREN 333 - Survey of French Literature I
- FREN 334 - Survey of French Literature II
- FREN 411 - Advanced French Syntax and Composition
- FREN 414 - French Phonetics
- FREN 440 - French Civilization
- FREN 456 - French Cinema
- FREN 460 - The Art of Translation
- FREN 462 - Reading French Women Writers
- FREN 470 - French Literature of Middle Ages
- FREN 471 - French Literature of the Renaissance
- FREN 472 - French Literature of the Seventeenth Century
- FREN 474 - The Age of Enlightenment
- FREN 475 - Selected Topics - Seminar in Francophone Literature
- FREN 477 - French Literature of the Nineteenth Century
- FREN 479 - French Literature of the Twentieth Century
- FREN 480 - Senior Seminar: Self and Society
- FREN 490 - Selected Topics in French
- FREN 494 - Internship in French
- FREN 499 - Directed Studies
- GEOG 316 - Europe
- GEOG 318 - Russia and Its Neighbors
- GERM 301 - Fiction and Fact: Short Texts
- GERM 302 - Language of the German Media
- GERM 303 - German Phonetics
- GERM 305 - Advanced German Conversation
- GERM 306 - Translating German to English
- GERM 370 - German Literature in English
- GERM 380 - Contemporary Germany, Society, and Culture
- GERM 397 - Marx, Nietzsche, Freud (WI)
- GERM 398 - Selected Topics in German
- GERM 401 - Advanced German Syntax and Composition
- GERM 410 - History and Stories: German Civilization
- GERM 415 - Survey of German Literature and Culture I
- GERM 416 - Survey of German Literature and Culture II
- GERM 430 - German Poetry
- GERM 440 - German Novella in Context
- GERM 450 - Reason, Revolution, Reaction
- GERM 458 - Road to Modernity
- GERM 459 - German Literature from 1890-1945
- GERM 460 - Two Perspectives: 1945 to 1990
- GERM 480 - German Cinema
- GERM 494 - Internship in German
- GERM 498 - Selected Topics in German
- GERM 499 - Directed Studies
- HIST 304 - The Holocaust
- HIST 330 - Early Modern Europe
- HIST 331 - History of Modern Europe, 1789 - Present
- HIST 332 - The Age of the Renaissance
- HIST 333 - Reformation Europe
- HIST 334 - Early Modern France, 1589-1789
- HIST 336 - The French Revolution and Napoleon
- HIST 338 - Modern European Women’s History
- HIST 339 - Europe, 1890-1945
- HIST 340 - Europe Since 1945
- HIST 341A - Foundations of Russia
- HIST 341B - Modern Russia
- HIST 343 - Modern Eastern Europe
- HIST 344 - Tradition and Crisis: The Jews of Modern Europe
- HIST 351 - Medieval England
- HIST 353 - Tudor and Stuart England
- HIST 356 - Georgian and Victorian Britain
- HIST 357 - Recent Britain
- HIST 434 - Medieval Spain: Conflict and Coexistence
- HIST 437 - History of Germany 1871 to Present
- HIST 438 - History of Marxist Thought
- HIST 439 - Global Freud: Psychoanalysis and the Clinic in World History
- HIST 441 - Mediterranean World
- HIST 450 - Foucault and His Critics
- I/ST 321 - The Fabric of Everyday Life: Issues in the Analysis of Culture(s)
- I/ST 339 - Global Feminisms
- I/ST 400 - Global Competencies Abroad
- I/ST 492 - International Studies Internship/Foreign Study
- (May count with advisor approval for study / internship abroad in a European country)
- ITAL 300 - Advanced Grammar and Composition
- ITAL 310 - Reading Between the Lines: Analyzing Italian Literature
- ITAL 312A - Advanced Italian I
- ITAL 312B - Advanced Italian II
- ITAL 314 - Advanced Conversation
- ITAL 330 - Italian Literature from Dante to Pap Khouma
- ITAL 335 - Love and Death in Italian Literature 1300-1800
- ITAL 336 - Nation, Self and Psyche in Italian Literature 1800-present
- ITAL 340 - “La Dolce Vita”: Italian Culture Through the Centuries
- ITAL 345 - Mobsters, Mammas, Mafias and Migrations
- ITAL 411 - The Infinite Text and its Mechanics
- ITAL 414 - History of the Italian Language
- ITAL 430 - Dante’s Divine Comedy
- ITAL 433 - Italian Literature as Historical Memory
- ITAL 454 - Italian Cinema
- ITAL 460 - Exploring Italian Translation
- ITAL 462 - Italian Women Writers
- ITAL 473 - Masterpieces of Italian Renaissance Literature
- ITAL 476 - The Modern Italian Short Story
- ITAL 478 - The Italian Novelistic Tradition
- ITAL 482 - The Building of the Italian Nation
- ITAL 490 - Selected Topics in Italian
- ITAL 494 - Internship in Italian
- ITAL 499 - Directed Studies
- MUS 350 - Topics in Musicology
- MUS 434A - German Song Repertoire
- MUS 434B - French Song Repertoire
- (These three MUS courses are reserved for Music majors).
- PHIL 413 - Continental Rationalism
- PHIL 414 - British Empiricism
- PHIL 415 - Marx
- PHIL 417 - Phenomenology
- PHIL 418 - Existentialism
- PHIL 420 - Foucault
- PHIL 423 - Kant
- PHIL 424 - Hegel
- PHIL 425 - Wittgenstein
- POSC 353 - Government and Politics of Western Europe
- (The following POSC courses may count towards the minor, upon approval of the advisor.)
- POSC 218 - Global Politics
- POSC 371 - Introduction to International Politics
- POSC 376 - International Law
- POSC 378 - Politics and Practice of the UN
- POSC 450 - Comparative Political Movements
- POSC 455 - Comparative Revolutionary Change
- POSC 461 - The Politics of Development
- POSC 463 - Nationalism and National Identities
- POSC 479 - Senior Seminar in Global Politics
- POSC 485 - International Political Economy
- POSC 486 - National Security Policies
- RGR 346 - The European Cinema of Communism, Fascism and Resistance
- RGR 360 - Spycraft: Modern Espionage in Global Perspective
- RGR 400 - Crime and Punishment
- RGR 425 - Romance Linguistics
- RGR 485 - Intercomprehension among Romance Languages: a Road to Multilingualism
- RUSS 310 - Russian Literature in English
- RUSS 312 - Advanced Russian
- RUSS 314 - Russian Conversation
- RUSS 399 - Directed Studies in Russian Language
- RUSS 410 - Introduction to Russian Civilization
- RUSS 428 - Russian Cinema
- RUSS 499 - Directed Studies in Russian
- SPAN 300 - Advanced Grammar and Composition
- SPAN 310 - Introduction to Literary Analysis
- SPAN 314 - Oral Communication
- SPAN 330 - Literary Masterpieces: Spain
- SPAN 335A - Business Spanish
- SPAN 335B - Business Spanish
- SPAN 400 - Don Quijote and the Critics
- SPAN 420 - History of Spanish Language
- SPAN 423 - Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- SPAN 428 - Spanish Cinema
- SPAN 429 - Studies in 19th and 20th Century Spanish Poetry
- SPAN 430 - Spanish Civilization
- SPAN 438 - Studies in Golden Age Literature
- SPAN 439 - Modern Spanish Narrative
- SPAN 446 - Studies in Spanish Culture
- SPAN 447 - The Invention of Spain: Visions in Conflict
- SPAN 448 - Romanticism and Realism
- SPAN 449 - Dictatorship to Democracy: Film and Literature in Spain (1930-today)
- SPAN 450 - Studies in Colonial Spanish American Literature
- SPAN 461 - Introduction to Translation and Interpretation
- SPAN 490 - Selected Topics in Spanish
- SPAN 491 - Nobel Poets and Others
- SPAN 493 - Women and War
- SPAN 494 - Internship in Spanish
- SPAN 499 - Independent Study
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2024
Academic Plan Code: RGR_UM07U1 College: 28, College of Liberal Arts
Department: Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures Delivery: Hybrid