Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators
California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 23-18
June 29, 2023
Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators
(This elevation was approved by the É«ÖÐÉ« Academic Senate on April 27, 2023, approved by the President on May 4, 2023, and the CSU Chancellor’s Office on June 8, 2023.)
Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators is designed for individuals seeking to deepen and broaden mathematical knowledge that supports work as a mathematics instructor at all levels. The mathematics content is complemented by coursework that explores mathematics education research and theory. The program includes a blend of courses from pure and applied mathematics, statistics, mathematics education, and may also include coursework from the College of Education.
- A bachelor’s degree in mathematics or mathematics education, or a bachelor’s degree with at least 24 upper division units in mathematics from an accredited college or university.
- The following course work, or equivalent, with grades of C or better:
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units) or
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
Advancement to Candidacy
In addition to University requirements stated elsewhere in this catalog, the student must have completed prerequisites above; must file for Advancement to Candidacy after completion of at least 6 units (and recommend filing before completing 9 units) on Program of Study, with an overall 3.0 grade-point average. Program of Study must be approved by MS in Mathematics for Educators Graduate Advisor and Director of Graduate Studies in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics or designee.
Complete a minimum of 30 units of graduate level or approved upper
division coursework which includes the following:
A minimum of 9 graduate or approved upper-division units of mathematics:
This coursework must include at least one 500-level mathematics course. If not previously taken, this coursework must also include:
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
A minimum of 15 graduate units of mathematics education:
This coursework must include the following two courses:
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
This coursework must also include at least 9 units from the following 6 courses:
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (1-3 units)
A minimum of 6 units of approved upper division or graduate electives:
This coursework should be chosen from mathematics, mathematics education, statistics, or approved College of Education courses, in consultation with the Mathematics Education Graduate Advisor.
Complete one of the following two culminating activity options:
Option A.
Pass two comprehensive written examinations in mathematics education. One exam will represent the following two courses:
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
One exam will represent one of the following courses (selected by student):
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
- (3 units)
Option B.
Subject to the approval of the Mathematics Education Committee of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, write a thesis in mathematics education and defend it orally. This option requires enrollment in at least 3 units and no more than 6 units of MTED 698.
- (1-6 units)
Mathematics Education Thesis
Students choosing the thesis option must consult with the Mathematics Education Graduate Advisor to select a thesis advisor. A proposal is then written in consultation with the mathematics education faculty advisor who will guide the student in choosing the thesis topic and supervise the writing process. After a thesis topic is chosen, it must be approved by the Mathematics Education Committee. Committee membership should follow University policy for thesis committees.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2024
Academic Plan Code: MATHMS06PB Career: Graduate
CIP: 27.0199
CSU Code: 17013
Concentration Code: 01
College: 65, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Department: Mathematics and Statistics
Delivery: Face-to-Face STEM-Eligible