Master of Arts Degree in Equity, Education, and Social Justice (EESJ)

California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 23-16

June 16, 2023





Master of Arts in Equity, Education and Social Justice


(This elevation was approved by the É«ÖÐÉ« Academic Senate on February 9, 2023, approved by the President on February 22, 2023, and the CSU Chancellor’s office on May 31, 2023.)


Master of Arts in Equity, Education and Social Justice


The Master of Arts Degree in Equity, Education, and Social Justice (EESJ) is an interdisciplinary program that draws from the fields of education, sociology, political science, cultural studies, urban planning, ethnic studies, women and gender studies, and critical race studies (among others) to examine societal issues and (in)justice within urban and global contexts. Graduates are prepared for a broad range of careers in schools, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, community-based grassroots organizations, as well as the private sector (i.e., policy analysis). The program also serves as an ideal foundation for further academic study at the doctoral level. Visit the program website for program details.


Students should advance to candidacy as early as possible. For advancement to candidacy (Clear Admission status), students must:

  1. Complete ESSJ 550 and 3 additional units
  2. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all course work
  3. Resolve all incomplete grades
  4. Complete Advancement to Candidacy process



Take 33 total units from the following areas:

Core Courses (required for all)

    • EESJ 550 - Foundations of Equity, Education, and Social Justice (3 units)
    • EESJ 551 - Critical Pedagogies (3 units)


Emphasis Area (9 Units)

Take three courses in one area:

Global Contexts:

    • EESJ 566 - Education and Global Inequities (3 units)
    • EESJ 567 – Activism and Social Movements in a Global Perspective (3 units)
    • EESJ 568 – Globalization, Power, and Educational Inequities (3 units)
    • EESJ 564 – Language, Culture and Education (3 units)

Urban Contexts:

    • EESJ 560 - History of Social and Educational Inequities (3 units)
    • EESJ 561 - Urban Educational Policy (3 units)
    • EESJ 562 - Agency, Identity and Resistance in Education (3 units)
    • EESJ 564 - Language, Culture and Education (3 units)


Second Emphasis Area (3 units)

Take one course (3 units) in the second area from the Global Contexts Series or Urban Contexts Series, as applicable.


Global Contexts Series

  • EESJ 566 – Education and Global (In)equality (3 units)
  • EESJ 567 – Educational Issues in Global Perspective (3 units)
  • EESJ 568 – Globalization and Educational Reform (3 units)


Urban Contexts Series

  • EESJ 560 – History of Social and Educational (In)equality (3 units)
  • EESJ 561 – Urban Educational Policy (3 units)
  • EESJ 562 – Agency, Resistance and Identity in Education (3 units)


Electives (6 units)

Choose 2 courses in consultation with faculty advisor. Students who choose the thesis exit option (see below) take two (2) semesters of EDP 698, which may be used as their elective courses


Research Methods Courses (6 units)

Take the following course:

    • EDP 400 - Introduction to Educational Research (3 units)

Take one of the following courses:

    • EDP 520 - Quantitative Research Methods in Education (3 units)
    • EDP 595 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education (3 units)


Capstone Course (3 units)

Take the following course:

    • EESJ 695 – Equity, Education, and Social Justice Capstone (3 units)


Culminating Experience

In consultation with the faculty advisor, choose one of the following:

    • Comprehensive examination (0 units)
    • EDP 698 - Thesis (6 units, taken over 2 semesters)



Applicants use Cal State Apply to file university application materials before the deadline. Deadlines and details about the program application (e.g., statement of purpose prompt, recommendation prompts) may be found in the Application Process section of the College of Education Graduate Studies Office website. Please contact the College of Education Graduate Studies Office if you have questions.


Submit official transcripts from the college or university from which you earned your bachelor’s degree. This set of transcripts will be used to determine grade point average eligibility. Failure to submit transcripts in a timely manner will result in a delayed review of the application.


Admission Requirements

The following is required for admission to the program:

    • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
    • Minimum 3.00 overall grade point average in last degree (not credential or certificate) earned from an accredited institution of higher education. Applicants whose overall GPA is


less than 3.00 but meet the University minimum GPA requirement (2.85 for a completed baccalaureate degree or 2.80 for a baccalaureate degree in progress) and who present compelling evidence of academic and professional potential either through recent academic performance and/or experiential background, may be considered for admission at the discretion of the program admission committee.


International applicants have additional university application requirements including meeting the English language proficiency requirement. Please visit for more information.





EFFECTIVE: Fall 2023

Academic Plan Code: ED_PMA07PB Career: Graduate

CIP: 13.0901

CSU Code: 08131

Concentration Code: 01

College: 50, College of Education

Department: Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling Delivery: Hybrid