Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+CCC)
The LGBTQIA+ Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+ CCC) is a subcommittee of the general Campus Climate Committee. The mission of the LGBTQIA+ CCC is to collaborate with all segments of the University to recruit, retain, and promote the success of LGBTQIA+ students, staff, faculty, and administrators. LGBTQIA+ refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, and all identities included in this continually evolving community. This acronym is meant to reflect all (a)sexual, (a)gender, and (a)romantic identities and expressions that move away from expectations associated with a sex/gender binary, or with the sex categories that people are assigned at birth. The committee membership also includes allies.
The LGBTQIA+ CCC also supports educational programs that promote increased understanding of LGBTQIA+ and other diversity issues for all students in preparation for careers in diverse settings.
Through active partnerships with other cultural groups and organizations on campus, the LGBTQIA+ CCC upholds the University’s commitment to diversity and global engagement through advocacy on behalf of all groups historically marginalized by society.
Specific responsibilities of the LGBTQIA+ CCC shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To perform periodic needs assessments of the campus climate in regards to LGBTQIA+ issues;
- To recommend specific actions to improve the campus climate regarding LGBTQIA+ issues to the Academic Senate via the Campus Climate Committee in a timely fashion as needs are identified;
- To monitor the campus climate and the implementation of recommended actions regarding LGBTQIA+ issues and submit an annual report to the Academic Senate via the Campus Climate Committee;
- To encourage, endorse, and participate in University educational programs that promote an increased understanding of LGBTQIA+ and other diversity issues;
- To consult regularly with various constituencies regarding LGBTQIA+ issues including, but not limited to, the LGBTQ Resource Center; LGBTQIA+ student organizations; and LGBTQIA+ alumni via É«ÖÐÉ« Alumni Relations;
- To develop partnerships with other cultural groups and organizations on campus in order to uphold the University’s commitment to diversity and global engagement through advocacy on behalf of all groups historically marginalized by society.
- Two (2) lecturer faculty members
- Five (5) tenure-track or tenured faculty members
- Four (4) full-time staff members
- ASI Secretary for LGBTIQ+ Affairs
- One (1) student appointed by the President, Associated Students, Inc.
- One (1) staff member designated by Student Life and Development
- One (1) staff member designated by Office of Multicultural Affairs
- *Director, Equity and Diversity (or designee)
- *University Ombuds (or designee)
- *Non-voting, ex-officio member
Terms of Service and Selection Procedures
Representatives shall be elected to the Committee on LGBTIQ+ Campus Climate according to their interest, expertise, and commitment to recruit, retain, and promote the success of LGBTIQ+ students, staff, faculty, and administrators and other individuals historically marginalized by society on campus.
Both the Academic Senate Nominating Committee and Staff Council shall request a statement of interest and/or qualifications from those seeking membership on the committee to ensure those nominated for election meet the above criteria.
Prior to the selection of nominees, the Chair of the CLGBTIQ+CC will submit a document to the Academic Senate Nominating Committee indicating those communities the CLGBTIQ+CC serves that lack representation in the upcoming year.
The Chair of the CLGBTIQ+CC or a member of the committee designated by the Chair (neither of whom shall be seeking nomination to the committee) shall be invited to attend one of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Nominating Committee of the Academic Senate to review confidentially the statements of the potential nominees, to highlight needs, and to voice any concerns. The CLGBTIQ+CC representative shall have access to all statements at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. After the CLGBTIQ+CC representative has left, the Nominating Committee shall deliberate and make its final recommendations. The Nominating Committee shall recommend lecturer, tenure-track, or tenured faculty members plus one alternate for election by the Academic Senate.
The Chair of the CLGBTIQ+CC or a member of the committee designated by the Chair (neither of whom shall be seeking nomination to the committee) shall be invited to attend one of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Nominating Committee of the Staff Council to review confidentially the statements of the potential nominees, to highlight needs, and to voice any concerns. The CLGBTIQ+CC representative shall have access to all statements at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. After the CLGBTIQ+CC representative has left, the Nominating Committee shall deliberate and make its final recommendations. The Staff Council shall elect members plus one alternate for membership.
Lecturer faculty members shall serve one-year terms. Tenure-track and tenured faculty members and staff members shall serve staggered, three-year terms to ensure continuity.
Members may not serve for more than two consecutive terms.
In the event that a tenured/tenure-track position, a lecturer position, a staff position, or a student position on the LGBTQIA+ CCC is vacant, the designated alternate shall serve on the Committee for the remaining term of service. If an alternate is not available or is unable to serve, the appropriate body (Academic Senate Nominating Committee, Staff Council, or Associated Students, Inc.) shall fill the vacancy.
Annually, the LGBTQIA+ CCC shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Recorder from among its staff and faculty voting members. This group of elected officers shall include at least one staff and one faculty member, to ensure representation of both staff and faculty. Elections of officers shall be held at the first meeting of the Committee on Campus Climate each new academic year.
Communication with the Campus Climate Committee
The LGBTQIA+ CCC shall select from among its voting members a Liaison who will attend Campus Climate Committee (CCC) meetings, update the CCC on LGBTQIA+ CCC items, and report back to the LGBTQIA+ CCC at its following meeting.
Approved: 02/24/2022