Equity and Education Studies, Minor in
California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement
Policy Statement 20-10
November 17, 2020
Minor in Equity and Education Studies
This new minor was recommended by the Academic Senate on 11/5/20 and concurred by the President on 11/16/20.
This minor requires students to analyze educational contexts from a sociocultural, equitydriven perspective. It is meant for those interested in becoming teachers or entering education-related fields. It takes a critical approach to education and provides students the tools to analyze the relationship between education and society and begin to effect social and educational justice. The two core courses examine equity and inequity in education and introduce key theories of intersectionality to students. Elective courses help students contextualize their education-related coursework and field experiences in more specific historical, social, and political contexts. The minor is for students interested in K-12 and higher education in and outside of the United States. All students will conduct field work for at least 10 hours in a school setting, and may engage in more field work in higher education, community-based education, adult education and/or other spaces in which people engage in teaching and learning.
Degree Requirements: 15 units (no more than six units from lower-division coursework; no more than six units in any one prefix). There are 6 units of required courses, 3 units of field work courses, and 6 more units of electives as described below.
Required Courses (6 units)
- L/ST 310: Educational Equity & Justice
- L/ST 320: Intersectionality in Education
Field Work Course Requirement (3 units plus field work hours). Students choose one from A, B or C depending on their credential path. Course selection will be done with the appropriate credential pathway advisor and must be confirmed with a Liberal Studies advisor. These courses must be passed with a "B" or better to satisfy admission to credential programs.
A: Multiple Subject Credential Program (K-8): Credential-bound students take EDEL 380. Students interested in the elementary and middle school contexts but not the credential program have two options: either taking EDEL 431 OR both EDEL 413 & EDSP 303
- EDEL 380: Teaching and Learning in a Democratic Society (3 units) [45 hours of field work]
- OR
- EDEL 431: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools (3 units) [10 hours of field work]
- OR
- EDEL 413: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices (2 units) [10 hours of field work] o AND
- EDSP 303: Preparing to Teach Special Populations in the General Education Classroom (1 unit)
B: Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP): Credential-bound students take EDSS 300. Students interested in the high school context but not the credential program take EDSS 355B
- EDSS 300: Introduction to Teaching (3 units) o OR
- EDSP 355B: Collaborative Models of Inclusive Education: Partnerships and Strategies for Teaching All Students (3 units) [10 hours of field work]
C: Education Specialist Credential Program (ESCP): Students take either EDSP 350 or EDSP 454.
- EDSP 350: Introduction to Teaching the Exceptional Individual (3 units) [4 hours of field work] o OR
- EDSP 454: Supporting the Academic and Language Development of English Learners (3 units) [10 hours of field work]
Educational Context Electives (6 units)
Students will take 6 units from the following list, chosen in consultation with the Liberal Studies Department Chair. Other appropriate courses may be chosen as electives with Department Chair consent.
- AFRS/AIS/ASAM/CHLS 319: The Ethnic Experience in the U.S.
- AFRS 415: International Africana Children’s Literature • AFRS 420: African American Children in Public Schools
- AIS 308: California Indian History.
- AIS 313/WGSS 313: American Indian Genders and Sexualities
- AIS 345: Working with American Indian and Indigenous Families
- ANTH 329: Cultural Diversity in California
- ANTH 421/LING 425: Education Across Cultures
- ASAM 340: Asian American Family
- ASAM 370: Gender and Sexuality in Asian America
- ASLD 424: Global Deaf Cultures and Languages
- CDFS 409: Language, Learning & the Developing Child: A Cross-Cultural Perspective • CHLS 300: Chicano History
- CHLS 305: Chicano/a and Latino/a California History
- CHLS 340: Latino Education in the US
- CHLS 350: The Latino Population in the United States
- COMM 330: Intercultural Communication
- CWL 415: Ethnic Literature and Culture in America
- EDLD 310: Leadership in Postsecondary Contexts
- EDP 301: Child Development and Learning: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- EDP 302: Early and Late Adolescent Development and Learning: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ENGL 370: Chicana/o and Latina/o Literature
- ENGL 375: U.S. Ethnic Writers
- GEOG 301: The Urban Scene
- GEOG 469: Communities, Democracy & Spatial Justice
- HDEV 205: Immigrant Youth in Long Beach
- HDEV 407: Cultural Perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health
- HSC 407: Health Equity & Social Justice in the US
- LING 472: Language and Social Justice
- POSC 317: Queer Law
- PSY 361: Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development
- PSY 362: Autism Spectrum Disorders
- R/ST 302: American Religious Diversity
- R/ST 402: Religion in America
- SOC 320: Sociology of Families
- SOC 345: Youth, Policing, and Justice
- SOC 346: Race, Gender and Class
- SOC 415: Sociology of Education
- SW 330: Human Behavior and Social Environment: Birth through Adolescence
- SW 351: Social Policy: Formulation & Analysis
- WGSS 250: Intersectionality: Critical Feminist Analysis and Beyond
- WGSS 308: Gender, Sex and the Law
- WGSS 315: Black Women in America
- WGSS 320: Latina Women in the United States
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2022
- L/STUM01U1
- College: 50
- Career: UNGR
- Department: Liberal Studies
- Delivery Type: Fully Face-to-Face / Hybrid / Online
- Major Pathway: Non-STEM