Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, Culture and Climate Committee (DEIA-CCC)
California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 24-08
April 16, 2024
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access Culture and Climate Committee (DEIA-CCC)
(This policy was approved by the É«ÖÐÉ« Academic Senate on April 11, 2024, and approved by the President on April 12, 2024.)
The mission of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, Culture and Climate Committee (DEIA-CCC) is to promote a responsive, equitable & inclusive campus community that fosters a sense of belonging and an institutional capacity for equity in all its forms.
The DEIA-CCC works with Academic Senate, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Offices of the Provost and the President, and other campus partners to a) review campus policies and to b) evaluate how campus, local, state, and federal decisions impact equity and diversity at É«ÖÐÉ«.
The Committee has the capacity to revise and to propose new policies pertaining to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility and serves as a representative body advocating on behalf of—and informed by the needs of— our students, staff, and faculty. We demonstrate our commitment to these values by carrying out regular assessments of, and recommendations pertaining to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility on our campus. We also participate in efforts to implement these recommendations alongside our campus partners. Each member is expected to serve on at least one review each academic year, to actively participate in efforts to review the state of equity, diversity, and inclusion on campus, and to focus on fulfilling the recommendations outlined in the DEIA-CCC Annual Reports.
The charge of the committee includes:
- Monitoring the campus climate and the implementation of recommended actions and reporting at least annually to the President via Academic Senate and an in-person meeting.
- Performing periodic needs assessments of the campus climate and maintaining open channels of communication with Affinity Groups and DEIA-CCC Subcommittees. It is recommended that the committee distribute surveys or equivalent assessments at least every five to seven years in collaboration with Academic Senate and the Office of the President.
- Recommending specific actions to the President, in a timely fashion and via Academic Senate, to improve the campus climate as needs are identified.
- Writing and distributing annual reports to the Office of the President, via the Academic Senate. This report should summarize DEIA-CCC findings, actions, and future recommendations for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.
- Collaborating with other EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) committees, centers, and programs to respond to incidents on campus with a focus on providing moral and institutional support for campus community members.
- Engaging in ongoing conversations about, and developing strategies to address the impacts of local, state, and federal legislation on our students, staff and faculty.
- Providing consultation and engaging in active discussions regarding the equity impacts of policies and campus climate as requested by Academic Senate committees and other campus committees.
6. Encouraging, endorsing, and participating in University educational programs that promote an increased understanding of equity and diversity issues.
7. Advocating for ongoing development of institutionalized resources and infrastructure to address challenges faced by our students, staff, and faculty and to promote an equitable and empowering culture for our students, faculty, and staff.
The committee shall consult regularly with various constituencies reflecting the diversity of the campus, including but not limited to:
- Bob Murphy Accessibility Center
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Office of Equity and Compliance
- Center for International Education
- Faculty Center for Professional Development
- Senior University
- Interfaith Center
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Cultural and Identity Resource Center
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
- Women's and Gender Equity Center
- Veterans Affairs Services
- Dream Success Center
- Academic programs and other programs/services/organizations focusing on issues of race, religion, ancestry, ethnicity, marital status, parenting and pregnancy, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, special disabled veterans' status, Vietnam Era, or other covered veteran status.
- Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups
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- Enrollment Services
- Office of Undergraduate Research Services
- University Center for Undergraduate Advising
- Educational Opportunity Program
- Assistant Vice President, Office of Equity & Compliance*
- University Ombuds*
- Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs *
- One (1) administrator holding the minimum rank of Associate Vice President, appointed by the President.
- (1) Liaison per DEIA-CCC Subcommittee (such as the LGBTQIA+ Subcommittee)
- The Chair of the Academic Senate or a Senator designated by the Chair
- Three (3) tenured or tenure-track faculty recommended by the Academic Senate Nominating Committee and elected by the Academic Senate
- Two (2) lecturer faculty recommended by the Academic Senate Nominating Committee and elected by the Academic Senate
- Three (3) full-time staff members elected by the Staff Council
- Three (3) students appointed from ASI; One (1) serving as Chief Diversity Officer, and two (2) as general members. If 3 students from ASI are unable to attend, the DEIA-CCC may appoint alternates from the Office of Multicultural Affairs, or from other student organizations or centers on campus.
- One (1) CFA representative
Term of Service
- Each tenured/tenure-track faculty member and each staff member of the Committee shall serve for a three-year term. Multi-year terms for the tenured/tenure-track and staff shall be staggered, so that a new person from each constituency begins each year.
- Each lecturer shall serve a one-year term with the possibility of renewal.
- Each student member of the committee shall serve a one-year term with the possibility of reappointment.
- The representative appointed by CFA and the administrator appointed by the President shall serve a one-year term with the possibility of reappointment.
Selection Procedures
The Academic Senate shall identify tenured/tenure-track faculty and lecturer faculty interested in serving on the Campus Climate Committee.
The Nominating Committee shall forward the names of three (3) tenured/tenure-track faculty and one (1) alternate and the names of two (2) lecturers and one (1) alternate to the Academic Senate for election.
The Staff Council shall elect three (3) staff members and one alternate to the Campus Climate Committee.
The President of Associated Students, Inc. shall appoint three (3) students as members of the Campus Climate Committee.
Each body responsible for selecting members for the Campus Climate Committee may ask for additional information from people interested in serving on this Committee to assure that campus diversity is represented.
If a tenured/tenure-track position, a lecturer position, a staff position, or a student position on the Campus Climate Committee is vacant, the designated alternate shall serve on the Committee for the remaining term of service. If an alternate is not available or is unable to serve, the appropriate body (Academic Senate, Staff, Associated Students, Inc.) shall fill the vacancy.
Each year the Committee shall choose a Chair and Vice-Chair or Co-Chairs**, and a Recorder.
- The Chair (or Co-Chairs) preside(s) over the meetings, forward(s) materials to the Senate, and write(s) the annual report to the Academic Senate.
- The Vice Chair assists the Co-Chair with the Annual Report, meeting agendas, and committee communications.
- The Recorder writes the minutes of each meeting and shares them with the committee for approval and publication.
Meeting Schedule
Second Wednesday of Every Month 2:00PM - 3:30PM
*= Non-voting members of the committee
** In the event no one is available to serve as Vice or Co-Chair, a single Chair is permitted to serve without a Vice or Co-Chair.
Effective: Fall 2024