College of Professional & Continuing Education (CPaCE) Advisory Committee
California State University, Long Beach
Policy Statement 22-24
October 14, 2022
This policy statement was approved by the Academic Senate on 10/13/2022 and approved by the President on 10/14/2022.
The purposes of the College of Professional & Continuing Education (CPaCE) Advisory Committee shall be to:
- Sustain and nurture the integration of the College with the overall mission of California State University, Long Beach;
- Consult on increasing equitable and inclusive access to professional and continuing education for diverse learners;
- Identify opportunities to streamline education to employment pathways to meet workforce needs for a diverse talent pipeline;
- Nurture and engage industry input in program development to ensure curriculum aligns with current industry standards and practices;
- Ensure that proper consideration is given to the normal and collegial curriculum processes of the departments and colleges as they are associated with CPaCE credit- bearing programs;
- Be the consultative body on policy for College activities;
- Represent the College to other constituencies, especially to faculty, staff, and students, when requested by the Senate Chair or Dean;
- Perform other tasks that the Academic Senate Chair, Provost, Dean, or other stakeholders may ask;
- Act as a liaison to the Academic Senate.
The voting members of the CPaCE Advisory Committee shall serve a term of two years and shall be chosen jointly by the Chair of the Academic Senate (in consultation with the Executive Committee) and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The voting members shall be composed as follows:
- 1 Academic Dean or Associate Dean
- 2 Community Members (nominated by the Dean of CPaCE)
- The Chair of the Academic Senate (or designee from the Executive Committee)
- 3 faculty members (nominated by the Academic Senate)
- 1 staff member (nominated by the Staff Council)
- 1 member of the University Resources Council (nominated by the University Resources Council)
- 2 students (one student nominated by the Associated Students, Inc., and one student from professional, non-degree programs nominated by CPaCE)
- 2 É«ÖÐÉ« alumni (nominated by É«ÖÐÉ« Alumni Association)
In addition, the following shall be ex officio non-voting members of the Advisory Committee:
- Dean, College of Professional & Continuing Education
- Associate Dean, College of Professional & Continuing Education
- Assistant Vice President for Academic Resources
Effective Fall 2023