Certificate in Geography for Security

California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement


June 24, 2019


Certificate in Geography for Security


This new state-supported program was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 18, 2019 and concurred by the President on April 29, 2019.


Program Description


The Certificate in Geography for Security (CGS) focuses on concepts and skills in high demand in traditional and non-traditional security, such as analysts, in both intelligence and human security professions, and promotes global civic engagement and leadership. See www.csulb.edu/geography


Admission and Degree Requirements


The Certificate in Geography for Security (CGS) is available to any É«ÖÐÉ« student. A minimum of 21 units of approved coursework is required.




All É«ÖÐÉ« upper level division students are eligible for this Certificate.


The Certificate requirements are that students have: (1) fulfilled his/her GE Foundation requirements (or per advisor consent); (2) GEOG 200 or STAT 108 or SOC 170 or HDEV 190 or PSY 110 or the equivalent; (3) must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or successfully completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone course, and that; (4) if he/she elects to develop a language specialization in Chinese or Japanese, he/she should have reached 202 level of demonstrated competency in AAAS or equivalent.




BASIC CORE (9-10 units):


Take the following courses:

GEOG 470: Political Geography (3) Prerequisite: GEOG 360 or consent of instructor. PHIL 352: Philosophy of Law (3)

Prerequisites: Completion of GE Foundation requirements.


Take one of the following courses:

GEOG 280: Introduction to Geospatial Techniques (3) Prerequisite: None


GEOG 471: GIS for Health (3)

Prerequisite: GEOG 200 or HDEV 190 or PSY 110 or SOC 170 or STAT 118 or STAT 108. Freshmen excluded.

GEOG 481: GIS for Natural Science (4)

Prerequisites: Junior/Senior/Graduate standing; GEOG 140 or BIOL 153 or GEOL 102.





Take two courses from the following:


GEOG 306; GEOG 304; GEOG 309; GEOG 313; GEOG 314; GEOG 315; GEOG 316; GEOG 318;

GEOG 321; HIST 340; HIST 343; HIST 437; RGR 314; A/ST 307, HIST 341B, HIST 382B; HIST 383B;

HIST 388; HIST 392; HIST 393; HIS 407; HIS 412; HIST 418; HIST 432; HIST 463; HIST 464; HIST

491; IST 476; JAPN 452; PHIL 306; POSC 362; POSC 358; POSC 481; POSC 367




Choose one of the below options:


Option 1 Geospatial techniques

Take two courses from the following (8 units):

GEOG 473 (4); GEOG 475 (4); GEOG 482 (4); GEOG 484 (4); GEOG 485 (4); GEOG 487A

(4); GEOG 487B (4); GEOG 488 (4)


Option 2 Foreign languages

Take two courses from the following: (6 units):

SPAN 300 (6); SPAN 314 (3); SPAN 335A (3) or SPAN 335B (3); FREN 312A (3); FREN

312B (3); FREN 314 (3), FREN 320 (3); GERM 301 (3); GERM 302 (3); or GERM 305 (3);

ITAL 312A (3); ITAL 312B (3); or ITAL 314 (3); RUSS 312 (3); RUSS 314 (3); CHIN 301 (3);

CHIN 302 (3); or CHIN 311(3); JAPN 301 (3); JAPN 302 (3); JAPN 311(3); or JAPN 312 (3)


Option 3 Geospatial techniques and one in languages

Take one course in Geospatial techniques and one in languages (7 units).


Geospatial Techniques courses: Take one from the following:

GEOG 473 (4); GEOG 475 (4); GEOG 482 (4); GEOG 484 (4); GEOG 485 (4); GEOG 487A

(4); GEOG 487B (4); GEOG 488 (4)


Language Courses:

Take one from the following:

SPAN 300 (6); SPAN 314 (3); SPAN 335A (3) or SPAN 335B (3); FREN 312A (3); FREN

312B (3); FREN 314 (3), FREN 320 (3); GERM 301 (3); GERM 302 (3); or GERM 305 (3);

ITAL 312A (3); ITAL 312B (3); or ITAL 314 (3); RUSS 312 (3); RUSS 314 (3); CHIN 301 (3);

CHIN 302 (3); or CHIN 311(3); JAPN 301 (3); JAPN 302 (3); JAPN 311(3); or JAPN 312 (3)





EFFECTIVE: Fall 2020


Campus Code: GEOGCT04UG Degree: UGRD Certificate College: 28

Department: Geography

Degree Program Delivery Type: Face to Face PS 19-10