Bachelor of Science in Dance Science

California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 22-26

October 28, 2022




Bachelor of Science in Dance Science


(This state-supported, face-to-face degree was recommended by the Academic Senate on September 15, 2022 and approved by the President on September 28, 2022. The CSU Chancellor’s Office approved on October 27, 2022.)



Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Dance Science

The Bachelor of Science in Dance Science provides students with an interdisciplinary course of study that helps to prepare them for graduate study and careers in dance, dance science, athletic training, careers in fitness and somatics, and/or graduate education in the areas of dance science, dance medicine, or related dance studies. Through an integrated course of study, our students gain specific skills and knowledge related to dance and kinesiology, learn by doing in applied experiences, and have opportunities for shaping the degree according to areas of individual interest within the specialization. Students interested in the B.S. in Dance Science should meet with the Program Coordinator no later than the start of their 2nd year (earlier for transfer students).


Admissions Requirements

Admission into the program begins with fulfillment of all university entrance requirements and recommendation of the faculty based on an entrance audition. All students must audition prior to admission to ɫɫ and receive positive recommendation from the department faculty.


Freshmen may be admitted as pre-Dance Science and then will be eligible to declare the major upon completion of the GE Foundation and Major Specific Requirements

Cumulative GPA of 2.5


Major Specific Preparatory Course Requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better (a 2.0 GPA) in the following courses:

  • BIOL 207 Human Physiology (4 units)
    • and
  • BIOL 208 Human Anatomy (4 units)
    • and
  • PSY 100 General Psychology (3 units)


Required General Education Foundation courses not covered by major preparation courses:

  • Written Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Mathematics


Major Specific Requirements for Transfer Students for Dance Science:

Cumulative GPA of 2.5


Major Specific Preparatory Course Requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better (a 2.0 GPA) in the following courses:

  • BIOL 207 Human Physiology (4 units)
    • and
  • BIOL 208 Human Anatomy (4 units)
    • and
  • PSY 100 General Psychology (3 units)


Course Requirements

Dance Core (17 units)


Take 2 units from the following:

  • DANC 100 Orientation to Dance (GE LD E) (2 units)
    • Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in at least one GE Foundation course.
  • DANC 300 Dance Orientation: Transfer Students (2units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Major


Take the following:

  • DANC 120 Introduction to Dancemaking (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Majors/Pre-Majors; Dance Minors who have completed 2 units from the following: DANC 109, DANC 111B, DANC 112A, DANC 112B, DANC 113A, DANC 113B, DANC 114A, DANC 114B, DANC 115, DANC 116, DANC 117, DANC 118A, DANC 118B, DANC 152, or DANC 154.
  • DANC 182 Introduction to Dance Production (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Major or Dance Pre-major
  • DANC 205 Introduction to Dance History (GE LD C1) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Completion of GE A2 (Written Communication); and Sophomore standing.
  • DANC 445 Movement Analysis (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Open to Dance Majors and Minors only.


Take one of the following:

  • DANC 470 Selected Topics in Dance Pedagogy (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
  • DANC 475 Dance for Children (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or minor, upper division standing, or consent of instructor


Take one of the following:

  • DANC 181 Dance Production Technical (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites/Corequisites: Dance major or pre-major; DANC 182.
  • DANC 381 Dance Production Technical (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 481 Dance Production Technical (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major

Science Core (35 units) Take the following:

  • PSY 100 General Psychology (GE LD D3) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites /Corequisite: Students who score 147 or above on the English Placement Test or “C” or better in one of the following AFRS 100A, ASAM 100A, CHLS 104A, ENGL 100, or ALI 150 or equivalent.
  • DANC 161 Body Awareness & Conditioning for Dancers (GE LD E) (2 units)
    • Prerequisites/Corequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in at least one GE Foundation course.
  • BIOL 207 Human Physiology (GE LD B2) (4 units)
    • Prerequisites: Completion of B4 and at least one course in GE A category (A1 or A2 or A3).
  • BIOL 208 Human Anatomy (4 units)
    • Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in one of the following: ART 372, BIOL 201, BIOL 205, BIOL 207, BIOL 212, BIOL 311, CHEM 140, DANC 261, or MICR 200.
  • DANC 260 Functional Anatomy for the Dancer (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: DANC 161 or consent of instructor.
  • KIN 300 Biomechanics of Human Movement (GE UD B) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: BIOL 208 or equivalent 4-unit Human Anatomy course with 3-hour lecture and 3-hour Laboratory with a grade of “C” or better or consent of instructor. Open to Kinesiology and Dance Science majors only.
    • Prerequisites /Corequisite: KIN 201 applies to Kinesiology majors.
  • KIN 301 Exercise Physiology (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: BIOL 207 with a “C” or better. Kinesiology majors and Dance Science majors only.
    • Prerequisites /Corequisite: KIN 201 applies to Kinesiology majors only. Excludes Freshmen.
  • KIN 312 Motor Control and Learning (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: BIOL 207 & BIOL 208 with a grade of "C" or better and Dance Science and Kinesiology majors. Prerequisite/Corequisite: KIN 201 applies to Kinesiology majors only. Freshmen excluded.
  • DANC 360 Quantitative Analysis of Dance Injuries: Prevention and Recovery (GE UD B) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Completion of GE Foundations; Completion of at least one GE Explorations


course; Completion of at least 60 units; DANC 260 or consent of instructor.

  • DANC 361 Pilates I (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance majors, DANC 260; or consent of instructor. Freshmen excluded.
  • DANC 446 Functional Movement Assessment in Dance (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Science majors only; DANC 260; or consent of instructor.


Take three units from the following:

  • NUTR 132 Introductory Nutrition (GE Area E) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites/Corequisite: One Foundation course.
  • KIN 339 Psychology of Sport Behavior & Athletic Performance
    • Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements and upper-division standing.
  • DANC 362 Pilates II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Major, DANC 361; or consent of instructor. Freshmen Excluded.
  • KIN 368 Resistance Training for Fitness (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300 and KIN 301. Fitness majors. Freshmen excluded. (Students in the current Dance Science Option have been permitted into the course.)
  • KIN 430 Motor Control Principles and Theory (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 312 and KIN EXSCI majors only. Exclude freshmen. (Dance Science majors would be permitted when seats are available.)
  • DANC 497 Senior Capstone in Dance (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Senior standing in the Dance major or consent of instructor


Conditioning, Technique, and Performance (15 units)


Take 12 units from the following with 2 units being upper division

Must complete two units in each dance form: modern, ballet, jazz, and street/club dances:


  • DANC 109 Street and Club Dances I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 116 Jazz I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 118A Movement Practices I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 118B Movement Practices I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 152 Modern Technique I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major, Dance pre-major, or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 154 Ballet Technique I (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major, Dance pre-major, or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 209 Street and Club Dances II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 216 Jazz II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 218A Movement Practices II (2 units)


    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 218B Movement Practices II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 252 Modern Technique II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major, Dance pre-major, or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 254 Ballet Technique II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major, Dance pre-major, or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 309 Street and Club Dances III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: DANC 209 or consent of instructor. Placement screening required.
  • DANC 312 Modern Technique III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 314 Ballet Technique III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 316 Jazz III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: DANC 216 or consent of instructor. Placement screening required.
  • DANC 318A Movement Practices III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 318B Movement Practices III (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 412 Modern technique IV (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 414 Ballet technique IV (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or consent of instructor.


Take 2 units from the following:

  • DANC 117 Beginning Tap Technique (2 units)
  • DANC 210 Dances of Africa & the African Diaspora I (2 units)
  • DANC 214 Ballet Pointe (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 217 Intermediate Tap Technique (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: Placement screening required.
  • DANC 220 Dance Composition I (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: DANC 120.
  • DANC 310 Dances of Africa and the African Diaspora II (2 units)
    • Prerequisites: DANC 210 or consent of instructor


Take one of the following:

  • DANC 180 Dance Performance (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major or Dance pre-major.
  • DANC 295 Repertory (1 – 3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major.
  • DANC 380 Dance Performance (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major, Dance pre-major, or Dance minor.
  • DANC 480 Dance Performance (1 unit)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major.
  • DANC 495 Repertory (1-3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance major.


Required Upper Division GE Writing Intensive Courses (3 units)


Take one of the following:

  • DANC 435 Dance on Camera (GE UD C) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Complete entire Foundation with one or more Exploration courses and upper division standing. Students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone.
  • DANC 442 Dance and Social Identity in the U.S. (GE UD C, UD D) (3 units)
    • Prerequisites: Dance Major. Complete entire Foundation with one or more Exploration courses and upper division standing. Students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone




EFFECTIVE: Fall 2023


  • Plan: DANCBS01U1


  • Career: Undergraduate


  • CIP: 50.0399


  • CSU Code: 10083
  • College: 55, College of the Arts


  • Department: Dance


  • Delivery: Face-to-face


  • Non-STEM