19-11 Policy Statement
Policy Statement
September 5, 2019
Master of Science in Counseling Psychology
This new state-supported program was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 18, 2019 and concurred by the President on April 29, 2018.
Program Description
Students in this MS program will be prepared for licensed independent MFT and/or LPCC practice to work in private practice, community-agency settings, governmentcourt settings, hospitals, clinics, Employee Assistance Programs, and city-county-state agencies to provide counseling services for adults, children, families, and couples. Visit the program website for program details (.
Take the following before or during the program:
EDP 400 Intro to Educational Research (3) (or equivalent)
Students should advance to candidacy as early as possible. For advancement to candidacy students must:
- Fulfill the campus Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).
- Complete COUN 510, COUN 513, COUN 515, COUN 522, COUN 608, and COUN
609 with a C or better.
- Maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all course work.
- Resolve any incomplete grades.
- Submit to the Graduate Studies Office an Advancement to Candidacy form signed by the program advisor.
Requirements (59 units)
Take all of the following: and choose option A or B below:
COUN 508 A Family Systems Therapy Applied to Aging, Long Term Care, and Lifespan
Development (3)
Prerequisite: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 508B Family Systems Methods (3)
Prerequisite: COUN 508A. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 510 Law and Ethics for Counselors (3)
Prerequisites: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors, School Counseling Majors, or Student.
COUN 511 Counseling the Alcohol/Chemically Dependent Person (2) Prerequisite: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 512 Child and Spousal/Partner Abuse (1)
Prerequisite: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 513 Introduction to Clinical Interviewing (3)
Prerequisites: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors, School Counseling Majors, or Student
COUN 514 Psychopharmacology for Counselors (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 513. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 515 Counseling Theories (3)
Prerequisite/Corequisite: COUN 513. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors, School Counseling Majors, or Student Development in Higher Education Majors only. Some course sections may be reserved for specific student cohorts.
COUN 522 Counseling Methods and Techniques (3)
Prerequisites/Corequisites: COUN 513, COUN 515. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 543 Human Sexuality Counseling (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 515. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 555 Cross Cultural Counseling (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 510, COUN 513, COUN 515; COUN 506 for School Counseling
Option, SDHE 538 for SDHE Option. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors, School Counseling Majors, or Student Development in Higher Education Majors only. Some course sections may be reserved for specific student cohorts.
COUN 556 Counseling Children and Adolescents (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 515. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 557 Counseling Couples (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 515. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 601 Trauma and Grief Counseling (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 556. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 608 Psychological Assessment and Testing (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 510, COUN 511, COUN 512, COUN 513, COUN 515, COUN 522. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
COUN 609 MFT Practicum (4)
Prerequisites: COUN 510, COUN 511, COUN 512, COUN 513, COUN 515, COUN 522, and COUN 608. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only. Department Consent is required.
COUN 638 Group Counseling (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 510, COUN 513, COUN 515. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors, School Counseling Majors, or Student Development in Higher Education Majors only. Some course sections may be reserved for specific student cohorts.
COUN 643D Counseling Field Work: Marriage and Family Therapy (3)
Prerequisites: COUN 608, COUN 609. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only. Department Consent is required.
COUN 644D Advanced Counseling Field Work: Marriage and Family Therapy (3) Prerequisites: COUN 638, COUN 643D. Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only. Department Consent is required.
COUN 685 Community Mental Health Counseling (1) Prerequisite: Marriage and Family Therapy Majors Only.
EDP 520 Quantitative Research Methods in Education (3) or EDP 595 Qualitative
Research Methods in Education (3)
Prerequisites: For majors in EDS in School Psychology: EDP 400, EDP 419. For other students in the Master鈥檚 program:
Choose option A or B below:
Option A: Thesis students (total units: 65): take EDP 698 Thesis (must enroll in 6 units of thesis work).
Option B: Comprehensive Exam students (total units: 65): take an additional 6 units of approved electives from courses in the Counseling Psychology program.
Elective options include:
COUN 507, COUN 559, COUN 680, COUN 681, COUN 683
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2020
Campus Code: ED_PMS09PB College: 50
Career: GD
CIP Code: 13.1101
CSU Code: 08261
Department: Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling
Degree Program Delivery Type: face to face
Major Pathway: (STEM or non-STEM): Non-stem
PS 19-11