Services for People with Disabilities

The University Library is committed to providing accessibility of library materials, programs, and services to all students.

Staff working in public areas will make every effort to accommodate requests from library users whose disabilities limit their use of the Library's facilities and resources. If services are needed beyond those listed, or if you have questions or suggestions, please contact the Office of the Dean at (562) 985-4047.

Disabled patrons requiring more extensive assistance may be referred to the  for better accommodation.

The University Library continues to develop resources to meet current ADA standards to ensure equal access to information for students with disabilities.

Webster's Students Braille Dictionary is available in the Disabled Students Study Room, Lower Level, Room 013. All elevators are equipped with signs in Braille type. The Children's Literature Collection, 2nd Floor, contains braille translations of selected original works. Audiobooks are available via .

The on the 1st Floor has more than 200 state-of-the-art computers for students, featuring Microsoft Office, internet applications, access to 180+ electronic research databases, Adobe Reader, and course specific applications. Screen reading software and text enlarging software  (Jaws, Kurzweil and Zoomtext) are available on any Spidell Technology Center computer. A computer on a height adjustable table is also available in the Spidell Technology Center next to the Quick Access computers.

In case of an emergency, persons with disabilities should utilize the campus emergency phones. In case of an evacuation, persons with disabilities that limit their ability to evacuate the building should go to the elevator lobby areas on each floor. These areas have been designated as emergency sanctuary points, with identifying signs posted at each location. Campus emergency personnel will assist disabled persons in evacuating the library building.

Resources permitting, extended loan periods or modification of other library lending rules are available for disabled students on an individual basis. Requests for loan extensions should be referred to the Head of Circulation or Library Administration.

Locating Materials
OneSearch is the library catalog, indicating every item's location in the library and checkout status. All public computers in the Library have access to OneSearch, with adaptive software (Jaws, Kurzweil and Zoomtext) available from computers in the Spidell Technology Center. An adaptive workstation in the Spidell Technology Center has a wheelchair height adjustable table.

Retrieving Materials
Standard library book trucks are available at the Circulation Desk for patrons requiring assistance transporting library materials. Library staff at any service desk can assist patrons in obtaining materials from any library location that is inaccessible. If immediate paging cannot be done, staff may make arrangements to have materials available the following day.

Most, but not all, stack areas in the Library have ADA aisle widths to accommodate wheelchairs. Library staff at the Circulation desk can assist patrons in obtaining materials from the stacks. 

For patrons unable to use the copiers, materials may be brought to the Circulation Desk, (1st Floor, Lobby Entrance) for photocopying by library staff. A copy card with sufficient value to make the copies can be purchased from the Value Transfer Station, located on the 1st Floor. If immediate copying is not possible, the staff may make arrangements to have the copies available for the patron on the following day.

Disabled patrons may designate an individual to borrow books on their behalf. The designee will be issued a proxy borrower card. The principal borrower assumes all financial and legal responsibilities for all materials borrowed by the designee on the proxy card. Applications for a proxy borrower card are available at the Circulation Desk, First Floor, Lobby Entrance.

Restrooms on all floors can accommodate patrons with disabilities.

The Disabled Students Study Room is located on the Lower Level, Room 013. This room is designated as a library study room for use by students with disabilities, whether individually or with an attendant or reader. This room is for use by students with a disability and who are registered with the . Students must acquire a personalized access code from  to use this study room.

For information on the adaptive equipment and software and assistance in the study room, contact  or check the AIM Center.

Webster's Students Braille Dictionary is also available in the study room.

A Text Enlarger machine is available on the first floor (outside the Spidell 1 classroom, Room 116) as well as the Disabled Students Group Study Room (Room 013, Lower Level).

CSU Accessible Technology 


Online workshops, webcasts, and listservs: "Students and professionals with disabilities must have the same access to information and resources as everyone else!" Also provides a listing of information technology and disability websites.


"The W3C's commitment to lead the Web to its full potential includes promoting a high degree of usability for people with disabilities. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), in coordination with organizations around the world, is pursuing accessibility of the Web through five primary areas of work: technology, guidelines, tools, education & outreach, and research & development."

 BMAC is a student support program within the  to assist students with disabilities at California State University, Long Beach services to over 1,500 students each semester.

  provides computer support services for students with disabilities maintaining a consultant relationship with faculty and staff and also provides one-on-one training and small group demonstration sessions for students, faculty and staff members to develop their knowledge and skills in the use of assistive technology software and hardware.

Student Open Lab, AIM - is a computer lab for students with disabilities with a full range of assistive and non-assistive technology software and hardware (e.g. Jaws, Kurzweil, Zoom text etc.).

 provides is a one-stop shop to find information on making websites, documents, and videos accessible to people with disabilities.