Howard E. Kimball Memorial Endowment Fund

The University Library received a generous gift from the family of former Professor of History, Howard E. Kimball, to establish an endowment for acquisition of books, periodicals, media, and other teaching and learning materials in British and American Colonial history, Professor Kimball's area of specialization. All items purchased from this endowment have specially designed bookplates indicating they were acquired through The Howard E. Kimball Memorial Endowment.

Photograph of Provost Anatol, Mrs. Howard E. Kimball, and Fo
Provost Karl W.E. Anatol, Mrs. Howard E. Kimball, and Former Library Director Jordan M. Scepanski (photo from 色中色 Special Collections and University Archives)

Professor Kimball began his distinguished career at California State University, Long Beach in 1951, retiring from the University after some 17 years of service. He remained an active scholar for many years afterward, spending long hours in research using the University Library. Following his death, Dr. Kimball's family chose to remember and honor him by providing the library with a source of ongoing support. In doing so they are contributing to the education and enrichment of generations of California State University, Long Beach students.

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