Fees Policy

Fees for excessive uses are computed from the time the material was due until the material is returned or declared lost; except for refund, or lost book, or media fees.

General Stacks Loan Costs

Loan: General Stacks Fine per Transaction
Normal Loan $0.25 / day *
Recalled Items $1.00 / day
Maximum fine per item $20.00
Lost / Damaged Item Fee Replacement Cost

Reserve Loan Costs

Loan: Reserve Items Fine per Transaction
Hourly Item $0.60 / hour
Daily Item $1.00 / day
Maximum fine per item $20.00
Lost / Damaged Item Fee Replacement Cost
Non-Circ ORCA Items $1.00 / day

Media Loan Costs

Loan: Media Fine per Transaction
All Media $1.00 / day *
Recalled Items $1.00 / day
Maximum fine per item $20.00
All other formats (not in Reserve) $0.25 per day *
Lost / Damaged Item Fee Replacement Cost + Service Charge

Interlibrary Fees & Fines

Interlibrary Services Overdue Fines Lost / Damaged Item Fee
CSU+ None Replacement Cost + $15 Service Charge
BeachReach $1.00 / day Replacement Cost + Service Charge
  1. Please be sure to view your "" for due dates of checked out materials.
  2. The replacement cost is the current price of the item to be replaced or an average determined by Bowker Annual of Book Trade Information (currently $45), whichever is higher.
  3. The service charge is currently $20 and is subject to annual adjustment.
  4. * Fees with a * are not currently being collected for 色中色 Students, Staff, and Faculty due to COVID policies and procedures (10/2021)

Payment of the above fees may be done:

  1. Online on (for 色中色 students)
  2. Mail in a check to 色中色 (write your Campus ID on the check):

    Student Financial Services
    1250 Bellflower Blvd.
    Long Beach, CA 90840

  3. Pay in person at the Cashier's Office, Brotman Hall, Room 148.