Student Newsletters

色中色 offers a variety of student newsletters to keep you informed about important deadlines, events, resources, and opportunities. Two newsletters are distributed to all students, the Beach Biweekly (every other Monday) and ASI Beach Front (once a month). In addition to all student newsletters, many 色中色 departments and programs publish their own newsletters. These newsletters are subscription-based or audience-specific based on their specific student community.

Learn more about submitting items for all student newsletters, and how faculty and staff can subscribe to student newsletters. We also encourage all 色中色 students to subscribe to the newsletters that are relevant to you.

Beach Biweekly

The Beach Biweekly is published every other Monday. The newsletter is distributed to all 色中色 students. If you would like to receive the Beach Biweekly to keep up to date with important deadlines, events, and resources for students, please subscribe below.

Fall 2024

  • 8/26/2024
  • 9/9/2024
  • 9/23/2024
  • 10/7/2024
  • 10/21/2024
  • 11/4/2024
  • 11/18/2024
  • 12/2/2024

Spring 2025

  • 1/21/2025
  • 2/3/2025
  • 2/17/2025
  • 3/3/2025
  • 3/17/2025
  • 4/7/2025
  • 4/21/2025
  • 5/5/2025

The Beach Biweekly newsletter is a valuable resource for keeping 色中色 students informed about important events, deadlines, resources, and campus updates. To ensure that your submission is considered for inclusion in the newsletter, please follow these guidelines:


  • Information submitted must be an event, significant date or deadline, resource, or campus update for students.
  • Information must link to a webpage and not to a pdf or image.
  • Information promoted should fall within the two weeks of the newsletter's publication.

Submission Process

  1. Prepare your submission: Ensure your submission includes the following information:
    • A concise and informative headline.
    • A brief description of the event, deadline, resource, or campus update (include dates, times, and locations).
    • A direct link to a webpage containing more details.
    • Any additional relevant information, such as contact information or registration links.
  2. Submit your information: Submit a project request (select Communications and Newsletters/Emails) by the submission deadline. The submission deadline is Wednesday before the newsletter's publication date. If you have any questions, please contact

Review and Selection

  • The Beach Biweekly editorial team will review all submissions.
  • Submissions that meet the eligibility criteria and are deemed newsworthy will be prioritized for inclusion in the newsletter.
  • The editorial team may contact you for additional information or clarification if necessary.

ASI BeachFront

The ASI BeachFront newsletter is a monthly publication, curated by the Associated Students Inc. student body president, delivers insights into student government initiatives, campus events, and opportunities to get involved at 色中色.

Departmental and Program-Specific Newsletters

In addition to the biweekly newsletter, many 色中色 departments and programs publish their own newsletters. These newsletters are subscription-based or audience-specific based on their specific student, faculty, and/or staff community.

NewsletterOrganized byAudienceHow often
Basic Needs NewsletterBasic Needs/CalFreshStudents, staff, campus partnersmonthly
Beach BalanceStudent Recreation & Wellness CenterSRWC and USU Beach Balance users (students and non-students)monthly (first Tuesday of every month)
Beach Pantry InsiderAssociated Students, Inc.student Beach Pantry usersweekly (every Thursday)
BeachFrontAssociated Students, Inc.All 色中色 Studentsmonthly (third Tuesday of every month)
Black Scholars' NewsletterBlack ScholarsStudents, Staff, Faculty, Alumni and general communityMonthly (first Wednesday of the month
BMAC NewsletterBob Murphy Access CenterBMAC studentsWeekly
BMAC NewsletterBob Murphy Access CenterFacultyWeekly
CareerNewsCareer Development CenterStudents, Staff, FacultyBi-Monthly
Events NewsletterAssociated Students, Inc.studentsweekly (every Monday)
Housing NewsletterHousing and Residential LifeHousing StudentsMonthly
Information WednesdayGuardian Scholars色中色 Guardian Scholarsweekly (Wednesday)
Inside Student GovernmentAssociated Students, Inc.studentsWeekly (every Wednesday)
Long Beach GEAR UPLong Beach GEAR UPDistrict, School Admin/Staff, Parents, HEI/Colleges, served community, Contractors/Partners, Elected officialsMonthly (2nd week of the month)
Mail CallVeterans Services色中色 military-affiliated studentsmonthly
Monthly DSC UpdatesDream Success CenterStudents, Staff, Faculty, Alumni and general communityMonthly
Pregnant and Parenting StudentsWomen's and Gender Equity CenterPregnant and Parenting StudentsBiweekly
Press ClippingsAssociated Students, Inc.staffweekly (Tuesdays and Fridays)
Rec ReportStudent Recreation & Wellness CenterSRWC Student Members (and Non-student members)bi-weekly
Scholarships of the WeekUpward Bound Programs                          (Classic and Math & Science)Upward Boud's Participants and their FamiliesWeekly (every Wednesday of the montb)
SisterfriendsWomen's and Gender Equity CenterSisterfriends MembersWeekly
TRIO - SSS: Weekly EmailsTRIO - Student Support ServicesSSS participantsweekly (Mondays)
Upward Bound's NewsletterUpward Bound Programs                          (Classic and Math & Science)Upward Boud Participants and their Familiesbi-weekly
WGEC NewsletterWomen's and Gender Equity CenterWGEC Community (students, faculty, staff)bi-weekly