ࡱ> WYV bjbjVV 4F<<2-----AAA8y$AN.99(aaaPPP-------/2--'PP''---aa.111'-a-a-1'-11m+|,a hUA4+-.0N.+`3`3$,`3-,PL61,)PPP--|PPPN.''''`3PPPPPPPPP : Academic Senate of California State University, Long Beach Committee/Council Annual Report YEAR: Academic year 2009-2010 Name of Committee/Council: University Awards Committee Prepared by: Paul Boyd-Batstone, UAC Chair Date: July 30, 2010 Membership: Paul Boyd-Batstone (Chair), Marilyn Korostoff, Forouzesh Mohammed, Babbette Benken, Anastasios Chassiakos, Karen Clippenger, Jalal Torabzadeh (FPPC), Jane Duong (student member) Officers: Chair: Paul Boyd-Batstone FPPC Representative: Jalal Torabzadeh Matters Reported to the Senate: The University Awards Committee carefully deliberated and recommended to the Academic Senate the following award recipients: Distinguished Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity: RecipientDepartmentCollegeMark RuwedelArtCOTAMarshall MedoffEconomicsCLALijuan LiChemistry & BiochemistryCNSMCarl LipoAnthropologyCLA Early Academic Career Excellence: RecipientDepartmentCollegeThomas Alex WashingtonSocial WorkCHHSAndrew ByromDesignCOTA Distinguished Faculty Advising: RecipientDepartmentCollegeDawn KelsyComminucations StudiesCLAKent MerryfieldMathematics & StatisticsCNSMGwen GoodmanloweBiological Schiences CNSM Distinguished Faculty Teaching: RecipientDepartmentCollegeWilliam MurrayMathematics & StatisticsCNSMTim CaronEnglishCLA Other Actions taken by the Committee/Council: The UAC was also asked to deliberate and recommend to the Academic Senate a recipient for Faculty, Community Service Award: RecipientDepartmentCollegeBetty L. McMickenCommunicative DisordersCHHS Due to the lack of nominations, no recipient for the Nicholas Perkins Hardeman Award was selected. Unfinished Business: None Internal Proceedings/Discussion Occurred: Deliberations were confidential Presentation/Reports Received: None Miscellaneous: None Issues/Recommendations to the Academic Senate: Presentation formats of materials submitted by nominees: The UAC welcomes a wide range of types of materials to be submitted for review; however, there were several cases in which difficulties arose in handling submitted materials for review due in part to presentation formats. In order to facilitate office staff at both the college offices and A.S. Office, the UAC requests that materials for review be submitted in a binder, an accordion-style folder, or a document box (for larger volume materials). Limiting the number of award recipients: According to Policy Statement 08-14 Policy on Faculty Awards (PFA), there are limits recommended for Nicholas Perkins Hardeman Award (up to 1 award) and Outstanding Professor (up to 3 awards). The other awards have no such limitation. The UAC recommends that a limitation of up to 3 awards except in the case of a tie, should be applied to the following awards as well: Distinguished Teaching, Distinguished Advising, Distinguished Scholarly & Creative Activity, and Early Career awards. Rationale: It was felt that limiting the number of award recipients would reinforce the high honor of being an award recipient. It would also provide clearer guidance to the UAC for deliberative purposes. Early Career Award: According to PFA Section 8.0 Early Academic Career Excellence Award paragraph 8.5, Submissions by the nominees should include Up to five examples of achievements. For the purpose of clearer guidance to the nominees and to the review committees, the UAC recommends that the policy explicitly state that submissions included at least one example of achievement should be included from each of the three areas of professional responsibility: Instruction and Instructionally Related Activities, Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Professional Engagement and Service.     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