ࡱ> 2K1O bjbj&& 4gLegLe00uuuuuY[[[[[[$l""usssuusuuYsYpӌRE0"""ulL6,J)ssss"0 ;: LETTER OF INTENT TO APPLY TO California State University, Long Beach Masters of Science/Internship Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (IPND) Date: _____________________ I _________________, have/will have (circle one) a BS degree in ______________________ (major). I am interested in applying for the Fall 20_______ Master of Science/Internship Program. I understand that the following criteria have to be met for admission: 1. Graduate from (DPD Program): _____________________________________________ Date of the Didactic Program Completion: _______________________ Verification Statement of Didactic Program completion signed by Director: Yes ___ No, DPD in Progress ___ 2. GRE with a 4.0 or better on Analytical Writing or a submitted a Writing Example. GRE Completed: _____; Plan to complete GRE (date):______; Writing Example: _______ 3. Minimum 3.0 GPA required to apply. Available for telephone or Zoom interview in February or March? Yes ______ No_______ Best mailing and e-mail address including zip (please print clearly): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (H) _____________________________ (cell) _____________________________ (email) _____________________________________________________________________ I _____________________ hereby verify all information above is correct, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to complete and to provide all necessary documentation in a timely manner for competitive application to the MS/IPND program. I understand that I must submit 1) my DICAS Application, 2) D&D Digital information and 3) any unique information required for the IPND at ɫɫ to Dr. Frank according by February 15th. 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