Archived Department Highlights 2015-2017

Published June 30, 2021

The following are highlights released by the department from 2015-2017.

  • Master's Degree program: Dr. Jim Kisiel has been instrumental in pilot of a new graduate course focusing upon strategies, research, and service in informal science that is directly tied to the Science Learning Center.
  • SLC: Science Education has inherited and is re-envisioning the Science Learning Center (SLC), previously the Science Museum. Jim Kisiel is the director of the SLC.
  • BUILD: Laura Henriques plays a major role in the leadership of the BUILD grant.
  • DEEP project: Jim Kisiel (PI), Lisa Martin-Hansen, and Steve Adams (Co-Is) secured a grant from the Keck Foundation in collaboration with the CSU Chancellor's office funded a 3-Model initiative to investigate the nexus of teacher preparation, science majors, and informal science education. This included development of innovative after-school field experiences for future teachers, service learning opportunities (internships at informal science venues in the summer) for science majors and/or science students at the college level, and weekend informal science education outreach for future science teachers (k-12).
  • In addition to Al Colburn's regular science education work activities, Dr. Colburn will be joining the É«ÖÐÉ« team of faculty who are developing college-based programs for their new tenure-track faculty cohorts. He will create program opportunities and mentoring support for new faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
  • This April, É«ÖÐÉ«'s Head Start on Science Project (HSOS), led by Professor Bill Straits, welcomes a delegation of kindergarten teachers, school administrators, and dignitaries from China to participate in a special training session.
  • Congratulations! Dr. James Kisiel and graduate student Mary Nowak for being featured in the Inside É«ÖÐÉ« magazine. Dr. Kisiel is the principal investigator for the Keck grant, a two-year project titled "Developing Engaging and Effective Practice: Advancing STEM Education via University-Community Collaborations."
  • Susan Gomez-Zwiep, and collaborator David Polcyn (from CSU San Bernardino), have published an article in NSTA's journal Science and Children (March 2015) titled Bringing Your Classroom to Life.
  • Dr. Chuck Kopczak, Curator of Ecology at the California Science Center, graduate of the Science Education MS (Informal Education Option) has recently published research based on his Masters thesis. The paper, Families Talking about Ecology at Touch Tanks, was featured in the January 2015 issue of Environmental Education Research, and was co-authored with Dr. Jim Kisiel (Dr. Kopczak's thesis advisor) and their colleague Dr. Shawn Rowe of Oregon State University.
  • Now that the Next Generation Science Standards have been adopted by the State of California, two É«ÖÐÉ« Science Education faculty members, Dr. Laura Henriques and Dr. Susan Gomez-Zwiep, are developing the Science Framework that will guide instruction under these new instructional requirements.

Publishing & Presenting

(those in bold face are CNSM faculty)

  • Burton-Peters, E. and Martin-Hansen, L. (2015). Implications of gifted student selection techniques for scientific creativity. In Demetrikopoulos, M. and Pecore, J. (in press) Interplay of Creativity and Giftedness in Science. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Colburn, Alan (2017). Learning Science by Doing Science: 10 classic investigations reimagined to teach kids how science really works, grades 3-8 (Corwin Press, 2017)
  • Colburn, Alan (2017). "When Do I Tell Them The Answer?" (keynote address at annual meeting of California Science Teachers Association, Palm Springs, CA, Oct 2016)
  • Gomez-Zwiep, S., & Polcyn, D. (2015). Bringing Your Classroom to Life. Science and Children, 52(7), 56-63.
  • Gomez Zwiep, S. (in progress). Manuscript draft: Gomez Zwiep, S. NGSS and CCSS Integration in Secondary Classrooms:Implications from an Interdisciplinary Teacher Professional Development Program. Intended for Journal of Science Teacher Education.
  • Haviland, D., Ortiz, A.M., & Henriques, L. (publication pending - Sept. 2017). Shaping your career: A guide for early career faculty. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
  • Henriques, L. (2016) Authored High School Sequence Models (2 hours), contributing author for NGSS HS Physical Science Lesson (3 hours), Tool E: Planning for Instruction (3 hours)
  • Kisiel, J., Rubin, A. & Wright, T. (in press). Reflecting on Practice through Action Research: The Zoo and Aquarium Action Research Collaborative. In Martin, Ash, and Tran (eds), The Reflective Museum Practitioner.
  • Kisiel, J. (2016). The Promise of Collaboration: Classroom Teachers and the Use of Informal Science Education Resources. In L. Avraamidou & W-M. Roth (Eds.), Intersections of formal and informal science. New York, NY: Routledge
  • Kopczak, C., Kisiel, J., Rowe, S. (2015). Families talking about ecology at touch tanks. Environmental Education Research. 21(1), 129-144.
  • Martin-Hansen, L. (2015). Interrogating whiteness: The intersection of race, ethnicity, and science education. Book chapter in Russell, N., Haynes, C., & Cobb, F. (in press). Interrogating Whiteness and Relinquishing Power: White Faculty's Commitment to Devoting a Racial Consciousness in STEM Classrooms. New York: Peter Long Publishing.
  • Pan, H. & Henriques, L. (2015). Students' alternate conceptions of acids and bases. School Science and Mathematics 115 (5) 237-243.
  • Siemsen, H., Testelin, J., Martin-Hansen, L., Siemsen, K.H., Andrieu, B., & Fevre, J. (2017). Springer Briefs in Education -- Transforming IQ into "Orthopedie Mentale": An Introduction to A. Binet and V. Vaney on Mental Orthopedics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Briefs in Education.
  • Slykhuis, D. A., Martin-Hansen, L., Thomas, C. D., & Barbatom S. (2015). Teaching STEM through historical reconstructions: The future lies in the past. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 15(3). Retrieved from Teaching STEM Through Historical Reconstructions: The Future Lies in the Past
  • Straits, W. (in revision). Revising the Head Start on Science Textbook.
  • Wyse, D., Hayward, L., & Pandya, J. (Eds.). (2015). The SAGE handbook of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Gomez Zwiep, S. Chapter 42. Sage.


  • Adams, S., Burns, P.**, Bernal, E.** & Martin-Hansen, L.M. (2016). Student perceptions of STEM and attitudes toward STEM workshops at a youth organization. Research poster presentation given at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. Gomez Zwiep, S. (2017, April) NGSS and CCSS Integration in Secondary Classrooms:Implications from an Interdisciplinary Teacher Professional Development Program. Research Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Adams, S., Burns, P.**, Bernal, E.V**., Martin-Hansen, L.M. (2016) Student perceptions of STEM and attitudes toward STEM workshops at a youth organization. Poster research paper presentation at the annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. San Antonio, Texas, April, 2017.
  • Brundin, E., Henriques, L., & students from PHYS491B* **. (2016). Physics Phenomena for the High School Classroom, California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 22.
  • Colburn, A. & Henriques, L. (2017). Learning Science by Doing Science, CNSM Fellows Talk, spring 2017
  • Clarke-Vivier, S., Honwad, S., Kisiel, J., Baron, C., Zalut, L., Farmer, M., Abinader, G. (2017). Engaging Complex Social and Scientific Issues in Informal Learning Spaces. Presented at the American Educational Research Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. April.
  • Gomez Zwiep, S. (2017). Committee Members and Facilitator at the National Academies of Science of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Workshop on the Design, Selection, and Implementation of Instructional Materials for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). June 27-28. Washington DC. Implementation of Instructional Materials for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • Gomez Zwiep (2016, 2017) -- multiple NGSS rollout planning and implementation workshops similar to Henriques, L. (see below).
  • Gomez-Zwiep, S., Straits, W., & Topps, J. (2015). 5E for ELL. Science and Children, 53(2), 80.
  • Grace, J., Orlinsky, J., & Henriques, L. (2015). Developing a Three Dimensional Next Generation Science Standards High School Science Unit. 2015 STEM Symposium. Anaheim. October 30.
  • Henriques, L. (2017). NGSS... Now what? Invited "Featured Speaker". National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March 31.
  • Henriques, L. (2017). ESLA Seminar: NGSS Forces - Static Electricity & Magnetism. Long Beach, CA. January 23.
  • Simani, M.C. & Henriques, L. (2017). Develop scientific model atomic structure. National Science Teachers Association, National Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. April 1.NGSS Statewide Implementation Rollout Symposium II (two day symposia for 200-400 teacher-leaders, administrators and other stakeholders per site)
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Exploring Light & Waves NGSS Style. 2016 CSLA Doorways to Diversity Conference. San Diego, CA. February 7. [invited session, not peer reviewed]
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Exploring Light & Waves NGSS Style. 2016 CSLA Doorways to Diversity Conference. San Diego, CA. February 7. [invited session, not peer reviewed]
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Fostering Leadership. Invitation only half-day event to nurture leadership in early career science educators. California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 20.
  • Henriques, L & others (2016). Ventura, CA. December 12-13. NGSS Tool E (2.5 hours), What does it look like? Transitional Learning Sequence – HS physical science lesson (3 hours), High School Models (2 hours)
  • Henriques, L. & others (2016). Claremont, CA. January 24-25. Train the trainers – workshop to support co-presenters for future rollouts.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Fostering Leadership. Invitation only half-day event to nurture leadership in early career science educators. California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 20.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Introduction to NGSS and Engineering for K-1. Maple Primary Center, Los Angeles. December 6. NGSS Statewide Implementation Rollout Symposium III (two day symposia for 200-400 teacher-leaders, administrators and other stakeholders per site)
  • Henriques, L. (2016). ESLA Seminar: NGSS Waves. Long Beach, CA. September 19.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Force and Interactions for Kindergarten. 93rd Street Elementary School, Los Angeles. September 27.
  • Brundin, E., Henriques, L., & students from PHYS491B. (2016). Physics Phenomena for the High School Classroom, California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 22.
  • Ziolkowski, R. & Henriques, L. (2016). What does an NGSS college prep physics class look like? California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 22.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). Introduction to NGSS and Engineering for K-1. Maple Primary Center, Los Angeles. December 6.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). NGSS Statewide Implementation Rollout Symposium III. (Two day symposia for 200-400 teacher-leaders, administrators and other stakeholders per site.) Authored High School Sequence Models (2 hours), contributing author for NGSS HS Physical Science Lesson (3 hours), Tool E: Planning for Instruction (3 hours)
  • Henriques, L. & others (2016). Claremont, CA. January 24-25. Train the trainers – workshop to support co-presenters for future rollouts.
  • Henriques, L & others (2016). Ventura, CA. December 12-13. NGSS Tool E (2.5 hours), What does it look like? Transitional Learning Sequence – HS physical science lesson (3 hours), High School Models (2 hours)
  • Henriques, L. (2016). NGSS in Practice: Rethinking Science Teaching for K-6 Students – An Introduction. Half-day workshop for area educators. Sponsored by Elementary Science Learning Academy. É«ÖÐÉ«. April 23.
  • Henriques, L. (2016). NGSS in Practice: Rethinking Science Teaching for K-6 Students – Forces & Interactions. Half-day workshop for area educators. Sponsored by Elementary Science Learning Academy. É«ÖÐÉ«. November 5.
  • Henriques, L. (2015). Exploring models for high school science instruction. Workshop with Torrance Unified School District science leaders. Torrance, October 7.
  • Henriques, L. (2015). Summer Science Camps: Enrichment for Youth, Mentored Experience for Pre-service Teachers. 2015 STEM Symposium. Anaheim. October 30.
  • Henriques, L. (2015). A California NGSS Update. Southern California American Association of Physics Teachers. Long Beach, CA. October 24.
  • Henriques, L. & Grace, J. (2015). Celebrating and Developing Leadership. 2015 California Science Education Conference. Sacramento, CA. October 2.
  • Henriques, L. (2015). Summer Science Camp for Homeless Youth. PEO Reciprocity Meeting. Long Beach, CA. October 27.
  • Henriques, L. & others. (2015). San Joaquin, CA. April 27-28. The Tool D (2 hours), Lesson Sequence 9-12 (3 hours), High School Sequence (2 hours)
  • Henriques, L. & others (2015). Los Angeles, CA. May 1. Train the trainers – workshop to support co-presenters for future rollouts.
  • Henriques, L. & others. (2015). Long Beach, CA. May 10-11. NGSS 103 (2 hours), Tool D (2 hours), Lesson Sequence 9-12 (3 hours), Science & Engineering Practices (3 hours), High School Sequence (3 hours)
  • Henriques, L. & others. (2015). Fresno, CA. October 15-16. NGSS 103 (2 hours), Lesson Sequence 9-12 (3 hours), Science & Engineering Practices (3 hours), High School Sequence (1.5 hours)
  • Henriques, L. (2015). Show me the money! Tips and Strategies for Successful Grant Writing for your Classroom Half-day workshop for Noyce Master Teachers at University of New Mexico's STEM Center. Las Cruces, NM. March 14.
  • Henriques, L. (2015). NGSS in Practice: Implications for Science Lessons for K-6 Students. Long Beach, CA. May 2.
  • Henriques L. & Roe, C. (2015). California NGSS Implementation Meeting. Co-led the daylong meeting to begin coalition building for NGSS statewide implementation. Yolo County Office of Education, May 15.
  • Kelty, T. (2016). The Henderson Fault and Tectonic Erratics at Lone Mountain and Devils Gate, Eureka, Nevada" Arellano**, Finney and Kelty; AAPG Pacific Section, Las Vegas, October 2016.
  • Kelty, T. (2016). Geology & Seismic Potential of Hustain Fault, Mongolia, Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of Mongolian Academy of Science, August, 2016.
  • Kisiel, J. (2017) Identity development through practice: Supporting STEM ecosystems with internship experiences in informal science institutions. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. April.
  • Kisiel, J. (2016). Promoting STEM teaching and learning through an after-school practicum. Presented at the American Educational Research Association meeting, Washington, DC. April.
  • Kisiel, J. & Kawata, B* (2015). Student Behaviors and Discourse within an On-Line Group Homework Forum in an Introductory Physics Class. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April.
  • Kisiel, J. & Magdziarz, S* (2015). Examining Science Identity in the Context of a Citizen Science Program in a Leisure Setting. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April.
  • Kwon, C., Pickett, G., & Henriques, L. (2016). Legacy of the PhysTEC Grant. Poster presentation at the American Association of Physics Teachers. New Orleans, LA. January 9-12.
  • Martin-Hansen, L.M., Gomez Zwiep, S., & Fairchild, S. (2016). Designing intensive professional development in science education. A research poster presentation. Association for Science Teacher Education, Regional Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • Martin-Hansen, L.M., DuQuin, D. & Markey, D., (2017) NGSS-ifying NSES materials. Revising current materials to assist teachers in stepping closer to NGSS instruction. Teacher workshop with LA County area school district.
  • Martin-Hansen, L.M., Gomez-Zwiep, G., Fairchild, S., Rahn, M., Song, Y. (2017). A model for inservice science teacher professional development (Preschool through Grade 8) in a California Urban School District. Poster paper presentation at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual International Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, January, 2017.
  • Song, Y., Martin-Hansen, L.M., Gomez-Zwiep, G., You, H.S. (2017). The impact of the innovative course on developing spatial thinking abilities in college students. Poster research paper presentation at the annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. San Antonio, Texas, April, 2017.
  • Martin-Hansen L.M., Hanuscin, D., Luft, J., Tillotson, J. (2016). ASTE Session: Bridging Policy and Practice—Science Teacher Education for the Next Generation. Symposium presented at the National Science Teachers Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Ziolkowski, R. & Henriques, L. (2016). What does an NGSS college prep physics class look like? California Science Education Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 22.

Grants and/or Donor-Based Projects

  • Gomez Zwiep, S.
    • California Mathematics and Science Partnership -- ABC (2014-2017)
    • California Mathematics and Science Partnership -- Escondido (2014-2017)
    • California Department of Education, $1.5 million Math Science Partnership Grant, 1/1/14- 9/30/17
  • Henriques, L.
    • PI: Richard D. Green Elementary Science Learning Academy. (Richard Green) (2015-present)
    • PI: Summer Science Camp Programs (various funders) - (2004-present)
  • Kisiel, J. (PI), Martin-Hansen (Co-I).
    • DEEP -- Developing Effective and Engaging Practices (DEEP) in STEM education: Supporting learning via University-Community Collaborations. W.M. Keck Foundation. Developing Effective and Engaging Practices in STEM Education: Supporting Learning via University-Community Collaborations. (Coordinated by CSU Chancellor's Office, subcontract to É«ÖÐÉ«.) Principal Investigator. Awarded January, 2015. ($200,000)
  • Martin-Hansen, L. (PI), Gomez Zwiep (Co-I)
    • California Mathematics and Science Partnership (CaMSP) Science Professional Academy with Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District (2015-2017) $3 million
  • Straits, W. (PI)
    • Head Start on Science