色中色 Announces 34 New Faculty for the 2024-25 Academic Year
The Division of Academic Affairs is pleased to welcome 34 new faculty for the 2024-25 academic year. We look forward to supporting our new faculty as they excel in teaching, scholarship, and service. Together, they will enrich their respective departments, colleges, and 色中色's monumental initiatives. Meet our new faculty:
Adrian Centeno
Theatre Arts
Michelle Gibbs
Theatre Arts
Yevgeniya Mikhailik
School of Art
Tia Santana (Spady)
School of Art
Mohammad Daneshvar Kakhki
Information Systems
Yavuz Idug
Management & Human Resources Management
Sai Ke
Sanghee Kim
Troy Loker
Advanced Studies in Education & Counseling
Paul Ayegba
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Alessandra Bonazzi
Civil Engineering & Construction Management
Cody Karcher
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Neda KaramiMohammadi
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Xin Qin
Computer Engineering & Computer Science
Nohema Garcia Castaneda
Family & Consumer Sciences
Debbie Huang
Health Science
Erika Rosen
Health Science
Hofner Rusiana
Family & Consumer Sciences
Kairon Shayne Garcia
Viola Lasmana
Comparative World Literature
Blanca Azucena Pacheco
Chicano & Latino Studies
Briac Halbout
Angela Maione
Political Science
Daniela Suarez
Romance, German, Russian Languages & Literatures
Ashley Hopkins
Journalism & Public Relations
Jonathan Oc贸n
Melissa Wrapp
Marcell Cadney
Biological Sciences
Pavneet Kaur Bharaj
Mathematics & Statistics
Jennifer Johnston
Biological Sciences
Rolando de Santiago
Mathematics & Statistics
Samuel Lee
Science Education
Sharmila Venugopal
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Kari Darby
Student Engagement & Success Librarian