President's Messages

Black and white photo Pyramid

What can we do in the face of people’s inhumanity toward each other?

Dear Beach Community: As I watch conflicts around the globe, I often hesitate to make public comments, not sure that I have anything to add to readily available news coverage. Today, however, I’ve been wondering what lessons we, as a university community, can derive from the apparent willingness of humans to wage organized murder toward each other. While the current horrific aggression happening in Ukraine has our full attention right now, my lifetime has been filled with international…
Black and white photo Pyramid

UPDATE: Returning to campus

Dear Beach Community, I am looking forward to our Monday, February 7 resumption of face-to-face instruction for our in-person classes. (For students unsure about how course instruction will be offered in a particular class beginning next week, they should consult BeachBoard, the online schedule of classes, or with their instructor.) I have so appreciated your flexibility over the past couple of weeks during our primarily virtual environment – a step we took to help keep our…
Black and white photo Pyramid

Toward racial healing

"We have come a long, long way, but we have a long way to go." - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. On Monday, January 17, we will again celebrate Dr. King’s birthday and his legacy of working for social justice. To be sure, his vision for a more perfect union has come a long way since he made that remark at an NAACP event in 1957, but much remains to be done. As we strive to create new ways forward – to grow and move past systemic racism and institutionalized violence – we must work toward…
Black and white photo Pyramid

UPDATE: Most face-to-face instruction delayed until Feb. 7

Dear Beach Community: At the recommendation of local public health officials and out of an abundance of caution, we will begin our spring semester on January 20 by offering primarily remote instruction to students, delaying most face-to-face instruction until Monday, February 7. The safety of our community has always been our chief concern throughout the pandemic. Delayed in-person instruction was not what we had intended for this spring, but the…