President's Messages

Black and white photo Pyramid

Upholding Mutual Respect and Civility

Dear Beach Community: Passionate expression and dissent prompted by political and social issues both close to home and around the world have long been part of college campuses. Most recently, we've grappled with the tragedies of the Israel-Hamas war. At The Beach and institutions across the country, we've seen many events, resident and guest speakers, and demonstrations. This conflict has brought pain, anger, and debate. On our campus, we have protected the right to free expression for those…
Black and white photo Pyramid

Earth Month at the Beach

Dear Beach Community, April is , a time to recognize and celebrate the many ways that environmental protection and climate action are part of our campus culture while recommitting ourselves to do more to live in harmony with our beautiful planet.  The Beach has much to be proud of when it comes to our sustainability efforts. We have moved closer to our â€¦
Black and white photo Pyramid

A Message of Deep Disappointment

Dear Campus Community: Earlier this week, flyers appeared on campus featuring the image of one of our professors and characterizations purporting to represent his views related to the Hamas/Israel conflict. I know these characterizations are false and I experience them as antisemitic threats. While we unequivocally embrace freedom of expression, it is deeply upsetting that flyers were created and posted displaying the photograph of our faculty member and suggesting that he doesn’t belong at…
Black and white photo Pyramid

Welcome to 2024 at The Beach

Dear Beach Community, Welcome to the Spring 2024 semester. I so look forward to working with each of you in this New Year! Despite the heartbreaks that characterized last semester, I ground myself on the campus triumphs that we earned together. Students across all our colleges distinguished themselves in regional and national competitions. Faculty members won prestigious career awards. Staff members continued the strong tradition of supporting community members, especially foster children.…