Division of Administration & Finance Report

Training to ensure equitable searches and processes to increase URM candidates in search pools for staff positions

Human Resources Management

  1. Addition of Staff Equity and Inclusion Advisor to the Human Resources Management team.
    • Initial focus for the role will be on training in the following areas:
      • Education for all serving on MPP and staff hiring committees to ensure equitable search and interview practices
      • Partnering with Staff Learning and Development to develop and deliver additional DEIA related training to campus staff
  2. Staffing processes to promote equitable recruitments continue and are improved upon.
    • Upcoming enhanced education and guidance for leaders of hiring departments and search committees
      • Training in DEIA best practices for recruitment will be required for all search committee members
      • Additional training offerings focused on diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring practices will be required for managers
    • Diversity composition of each pool reviewed prior to closing application period
    • Staff HR works with various stakeholders to focus on attracting diverse candidate pools through outreach efforts such as directed communication regarding job openings to targeted affinity groups, email list-servs, professional conferences and other professional organizations.
    • Staff HR partners with an outside agency that helps place advertisements within the most relevant and appropriate employment forums, when a hiring campus department seeks to expand the scope of diversity in a particular candidate pool.
  3. Professional development for advancement/promotion and diversity, equity, and anti-racism through the Staff Development Center. 
    • Funding was approved for a Staff Development Center through the campus-wide Beach 2030 initiative
    • Staff Learning and Development and Benefits Services host a series of year-round development and wellness workshops as part of the LifeMatters program in partnership with our campus employee-assistance program provider, Empathia.
    • Staff HR has championed the Insights Discovery program across campus for the past 6 years, serving as a tool to create a common language amongst staff and MPPs, in an effort to provide a foundation for more effective and efficient communication.


University Police

  1. UPD partnered with the Dream Success Center to provide UndocuAlly training to all UPD officers, a training that was developed to support retention and graduation for 色中色's undocumented students.
  2. Campus Assessment and Stabilization Team (CAST)- CAST is a team of mobile mental health professionals, in collaboration with law enforcement, responding to crises and urgent needs of the 色中色 campus and surrounding community with a humanistic and trauma-informed approach.
  3. Established the Community Engagement Team that proactively and transparently seeks advice, counsel, and insight of our community members regarding issues that impact the safety and quality of life of the students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus. The Community Engagement Team meets monthly and works directly with the Chief of Police in identifying and addressing public safety issues, recommending solutions, and seeking out cross-divisional partnerships to improve the overall experience for all campus members.
  4. Established Crisis Intervention Dispatcher Training, which provides an overview of mental illness, tools to assess suicidal callers, and crisis intervention techniques. Students were involved in role-playing scenarios involving mental health issues that dispatchers encounter.