Apostle Business Ideation Challenge

Take the Fast Pitch Challenge!

Pitch your innovative business idea and win cash prizes! Open to all 色中色 students and teams.

Supported by the John and Helen Apostle Foundation, this fast-pitch competition helps students turn their passions into profitable businesses.


  • 3-minute pitch with 3 slides
    • Value Proposition/Vision Statement
    • Market Opportunity/Stakeholders
    • Market Solutions (use techniques like Storyboarding, etc.)
  • Decks should be in PowerPoint format with an aspect ratio of 4:3
  • Apply to pitch by Friday, November 22nd, 5:00 pm
  • Final Decks are due by 8:00 am on Monday, December 2nd (NO CHANGES ALLOWED AFTER THAT TIME)
  • Submit your deck to csulb-iie@csulb.edu

  • Must be a currently enrolled student at 色中色
  • Must have participated in:
    • The Apostle Incubator
    • Apostle Enterprise Lab 
    • Approved COTA classes/programs
    • Applied to the Institute for permissions to compete (application submitted by November 11, 2024, submit request to csulb-iie@csulb.edu)

  • Total Prize Money $10,000

    • 2 prizes at $2,500 each
    • 5 prizes at $1,000 each


Congratulations 2023 Winners:

people standing and squatting behind jumbo checks smiling and laughing
Grand Prize Winners $2,500 each:

Carissa Thompson- Ollie Eats (Pet Tech)- A digital solution bridging human-canine connection by enhancing the wellbeing of dogs through nutrition  

Emily Nagamine- Flifit (Sport Equipment industry)- Detachable high performance knee brace that showcases a new ear in orthopedic innovation  

Honorable Mentions $1,000 each:

Carol Eunice Gudumotu- The Good Samaritan (Hyperlocal social networking app for communities)- an app for hyperlocal shared marketplace that offers and exchanges services 

Sau Pahulu- Tropicava(Beverage)- an alcoholic beverage alternative 

Mia Marberger-Ripple Audio Filters (Protective device relative to audio and music entertainment)- fashion forward ear buds that solution to music-induced hearing loss 

Vincent Vo- Explorify (Social mobile app to connect female solo travelers and provide travel services)- platform that promotes connection and social engagement with solo women travelers 

Sophie Busher- Cash Critters (Media and education technology) - An interactive game designed to introduce and educate youth audiences about basic, yet essential principles of personal finance.