About Academic Centers and Institutes

The Center for Contemporary Ceramics is groundbreaking in our school and college, on our university campus and in our CSU system, and in our field.

The CCC is one out of just twenty-seven authorized Academic Centers and Institutes (ACI) on the entire 色中色 campus.

An academic center is an ancillary unit within an existing department or college established and recognized for significant contributions to the academic units of which they are a part, and for furthering scholarly and creative, instructional, and/or service activities in a designated field.

The CCC is the first and only ACI to be established in the 色中色 School of Art, and in the College of the Arts.

The CCC is one among just a handful of centers or institutes in the entire twenty-three-campus CSU system related to the visual or performing arts, and is the first center or institute focusing on ceramic arts in the CSU system.