Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) – Measured Response (MR)

Currently, Air Traffic Control (ATC) and pilot interactions occur through shared radio communications, allowing for almost instantaneous response. However, with the increase in UAS operations and the development of NextGen technologies, shared radio communication proves inadequate. New technology that allows UAS pilots to communicate with ATC, although promising, comes with its share of inadequacies. Latency in communication exchange using this new technology may be problematic to the National Airspace System (NAS).
Vu, Kiken, Chiappe, Strybel, and Battiste (2013) examined Measured Response (MR), the time between Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances and the pilot response to the clearance, and how much delay the operators were able to tolerate. The study found that acceptability ratings of communication and execution delays were negatively correlated. A similar study by Shively, Vu, and Buker (2013) also found a negative correlation between execution times and ATC acceptability ratings. More data must be gathered to build upon MR and provide guidelines in order to be able to seamlessly integrate UAS into the NAS.