
Resources for Community members 

The center for Successful aging has gathered a variety of resources for older adults and their families or caretakers as well as for students of Gerontology. Each resource contains a description of the services provided and is hyperlinked to the service's host site. Select the title of the resource to be redirected to the resource's main website where more information can be found. We encourage you to visit the sites to explore resources not mentioned here.

Recursos para Miembros de la Comunidad

En esta p谩gina se encuentran varios recursos diversos para adultos mayores, sus familiares o cuidadores, y estudiantes de Gerontolog铆a. Los servicios ofrecidos en espa帽ol est谩n colocados en la parte inferior de la p谩gina. Hemos prove铆do una breve descripci贸n bajo el 迟铆迟耻濒辞 de cada recurso. Para informaci贸n detallada, seleccione el 迟铆迟耻濒辞 del recurso; ser谩 usted dirigido a la p谩gina principal del servicio donde podr谩 encontrar informaci贸n adicional.


  • Long Beach Older Adult Resource Database

鈥婰inked below is an excel database of resources for older adult and community programs that provide services in the Long Beach area.  The list was compiled as part of the Age-Friendly Long Beach Strategic Planning Process. The list is organized by service category, for example, Caregiver Support, Mental Health, Transportation, and many others.  It is current as of August 2019. Tips on how to navigate the document are included on the first sheet of the file. The document is an excel file so it will require download. 

Database file

  • Base de Datos de Recursos Para Adultos Mayores

鈥婬ay un enlace de Excel al finla del prrafo donde encontrar una base de datos de recursos para adultos mayores y programas communitarios que brindan servicios en el rea de Long Beach. La lista fue compilada como parte del "Age-Friendly Long Beach Strategic Planning Process." La lista est organizada por categora de servicio, por ejemplo, Apoyo de Cuidador, Salud Mental, Transporte y muchos otros. Est actualizado a partir de agosto de 2019. Los consejos sobre cmo navegar por el documento se incluyen en la primera hoja del archivo nombrado "User Guide." Para verificar si los recursos ofrecen sus servicios en espaol, haga clic en el smbolo "+" y desplcese hacia varios idiomas, se puede ofrecer asistencia en espaol. El documento es un archivo de Excel y requerir descarga.

Archivo de base de datos


Welcome to the Age-Friendly University Older Learning Resource Guide for California State University, Long Beach (色中色). This resource guide has been created to serve older learners at 色中色 and help them efficiently acclimate to higher education and promote their wellbeing. In addition, this resource will benefit staff and faculty serving older learners. The guide was conceived as part of our efforts as an .

Feedback regarding the Age-Friendly University Resource guide for continuous improvement is welcome. Please send your written request to amend, update, or correct the Age-Friendly University Resource Guide to the Center for Successful Aging at:

at Long Beach State is a center within the College of Health and Human Services that offers non-credit classes to adults 50 and older on campus (HSD 101), at Leisure World, on Pine Avenue in downtown Long Beach, at the Alpert Jewish Community Center, and at American Goldstar Manor.鈥 Founded in 1996, OLLI鈥檚 mission is to provide educational opportunities and social connections to enhance personal development and quality of life for its 1900 and growing membership.鈥

Email Dr. Patti LaPlace or call OLLI at 色中色 at 562.985.2398 


is a health and fitness facility for Long Beach community members age 49+ and 色中色 employees of all ages. The Center is an educational laboratory for the College of Health and Human Services and aims to promote intergenerational relationships between our members, staff, interns, and 色中色 students. 

Email the Director, Ayla Donlin, Ed.D or call the LifeFit center at 562.985.2015 


is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to providing service to the frail, elderly, terminally ill and providing compassionate support to grieving families. Over 30 years of experience, Pathways continue to provide ever-increasing services in over a dozen surrounding communities.

Contact: or call at 562.531.3031


is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping older adults preserve their independence and comfortable lifestyle, serves as a vital resource for older adults who are interested in learning more about programs, activities, and services in Long Beach. At The Heart of Ida, services such as fall prevention and social engagement programs are offered as a way to reduce social isolation and learn about safe in-home practices. 

Contact: 562.570.3548


is a non-profit community service for persons unable to prepare adequate meals for themselves because of disability, age or chronic or temporary illness, thus assisting them to remain in their own homes. MOWLB provides home delivery of two nutritionally balanced meals per day at nominal cost and is available to all Long Beach, Signal Hill, and Leisure World Seal Beach residents, regardless of age. 

Contact: or call at 562.439.5000


JFCS is an independent non-sectarian organization that strives to provide affordable services and support for the communities of Long Beach and West Orange County. As noted on their website "Our services are offered to older adults regardless of their religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.  Those who care for older adults may also find many of our services to be extremely helpful and a great comfort to them as they balance their own lives with the needs of their loved one". The services offered include but are not limited to: 

  • Counseling for the Challenges of Aging 
  • Information and resource referral for in-home care and other services
  • Case Management

For a full list of services, please visit the JFCS website linked in the title above. Besides the services offered for older adults, JFCS also offers a variety of services for individuals, families, and children. Detailed information can be found on their website. 

 Contact: Email JFCS or call 562.427.7916

Connected LB Digital Access platform has been establish to assist community members in attaining low cost acces to computer literacy training, internet services, and computers. Visit the to find low cost internet services and computers in your area. 

Connected LB Platform (PDF)

The Long Beach Aging Services Collaborative is a network of service providers that connect with community organizations and advocacy groups to work toward a more integrated aging service model by sharing current services, resources, and legislative information.

Their website contains helpful information and resources for those living in or near the greater Long Beach area.

For more information visit their or email

under the Department of Health and Human Services and in partnership with Parks, Recreation & Marine, works to bring together local area agencies to strengthen structures, services and programs that are inclusive of older adults, promote an online database platform to raise awareness of existing services in the Long Beach area, identify work to streamline referrals, enhance service coordination and identify common goals across existing efforts to strengthen the capacity of the City and its partners to meet the varying needs, capacities and interest of older adults.

Contact: 562.570.4000


a non-profit organization that advocates for social and economic justice, a clean sustainable environment, and quality health care for all, provides education and advocacy for older adults. Focusing on ensuring a quality life and services for older adults, the Long Beach Gray Panthers are committed to collaborating with community partners such as the California Alliance for Retired Americans and local legislators. in order to advocate for legislation that will support the needs of older adults.

Contact: or call 562.336.1595 |


and five satellite senior centers are operated by the City of Long Beach and the Department of Parks Recreation and Marine and offer activities and services tailored to the interests and needs of adults age 50 and over. Additionally, there are other facilities that offer senior activities and classes.

Contact: 562.570.3533 or 562.570.3534


formed a senior services planning committee to explore how our organization can better serve LGBTQ older adults in our community. As part of this exploratory process, The Center is proud to announce that it has launched several new programs to reach those seasoned members of our community.

Contact: 562.434.4455


is a place for older adults to socialize, participate in educational programs, receive human services and enjoy recreational activities. Designed to meet the special needs of the city's growing senior population, age 50 and older, the Wellness Center strives to provide adults with the tools to manage and maintain optimum health. 

Contact Kit Katz or call 562.491.9811 for information about classes


in Long Beach provides a  comfortable, safe space for seniors to create friendships while enjoying free events such as bingo evenings, comedy shows, and cooking classes. The center also provides volunteer opportunities for older adults.

Contact: or call 562.247.3556


  • Early Stage Social Engagement, Alzhiemer's Association

The Alzheimer's Association virtual early-stage social engagement programs offer a comfortable way to get connected to others who are living in the beginning stage of Alzheimer's or other dementia. Connecting with people who understand what you are going through may provide you with the support, encouragement and inspiration necessary to move beyond your diagnosis.

Contact: 800.272.3900

The Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine division offers a variety of classes for a diverse range of community members. They offer several Adult classes as well as Adult 50+ classes. For more specific information about classes, please click on the title of this resource; you will be redirected to the "Classes" website. Here you can view the full list of classes and register online. 

Contact: or call at 562.570.3111

  • Jon's Senior Activities
- early to mid-stage  

Led by Jon Shaeffer  


Through personalized activity programming, participants are allowed the opportunity to engage in stimulating activities and build meaningful friendships while family caregivers are offered deserved support and respite. 

Contact: 626.859.6399

  • Alzheimer's Association Abuse information form:

Abuse can occur anywhere, including at home and in care settings. People with dementia are especially vulnerable because the disease may prevent them from reporting abuse or recognizing it. They also may fall prey to strangers who take advantage of their cognitive impairment.

To fill the form:




Disaster Preparedness is a critical need for older adults, especially in areas that may be subject to flooding, fires, heatwaves, hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes.  Below are some resources and toolkits to help you and your family better prepare for such potential natural disasters. 


Estar preparado para un desastre natural es cr铆tico para los adultos mayores, especialmente en zonas que son vulnerables a las inundaciones, fuegos, olas de calor, huracanes, tsunamis,  y terremotos.  Aqu铆 puede encontrar algunos recursos y gu铆as para ayudarle a Uds. y su familia estar mejor preparados.

Red Cross: 

California Department of Aging: (Federal Emergency Management Agency): 

National Council on Aging: 


Long Beach Cooling Centers Locations and Hours: 

Long Beach Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communication:

Sign up for alerts and find information on how to plan (in English y 贰蝉辫补帽辞濒), here:

Family Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving (formerly Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center) 

"Our mission is to help families and communities master the challenges of caring for older adults with brain impairing conditions and/or adults with multiple health concerns." 

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 
3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90089 


Contact: Email or call the center at 800.540.4442 


Visit their page


located at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90089, sponsors a support group on the 4th Thursday of every month. 

For more information: visit


located at (3801 E. Willow St. Long Beach, CA 90815) offers a Caregiver Support Group, free of charge, twice monthly (2nd and 4th Thursdays of the Month from 4:30-6:00 pm).

Many attendees are currently supporting older adult family members.  

If interested, please call The number provided for updated information before attending.  



offers a variety of support services for caregivers.

For more information call the VA Caregiver Support Line at 855.260.3274


The Alzheimer's Association California Southland Chapter support groups provide caregivers and others affected by the disease the opportunity to exchange information and develop methods and skills to solve problems.

To join a support group please call 24/7 helpline at 800.272.3900.

For more information, visit:

Support can also be found on their Online web forum . ALZConnected is a free online community message board service where everyone affected by Alzheimer's or another form of dementia can ask questions, get advice, and find support. 



AARP developed this resource guide with caregivers in mind as a starting point to help locate the services for support and need throughout the caregiving journey. The resource guide can assist in the following ways: 


- Help you get the type of assistance you need. This directory lists many government and nonprofit resources, which you can access both in-person and online. 

Help you connect with others. You鈥檒l discover, if you have not already, that you鈥檙e a part of a community of caregivers and caregiver supporters. You are truly not alone.

- Help take care of yourself. This is is vitally important but something that many caregivers often overlook. The act of caregiving can take a physical and mental toll on the caregiver. So, it鈥檚 important that you make self-care a top priority."  

LA Caregiver Resource Guide (PDF)




SCAN Healthplan has provided a series of information, tips, and resources for caregivers and family members. 


  •  To Survive Caregiving

"Dr. Woodson shares her experience as a daughter and geriatrician in this new resource for family caregivers. The book shoots from the hip and from the heart, using everyday language, real caregiver stories, compassion and humor to bring practical information to overwhelmed caregivers. Although it focuses on elder care, the book helps with caregiving for any age, or any illness. This guide encourages caregivers to protect their own health, finances, and relationships while they make the tough decisions and give great care."

  •  Caregiving Full-Time and Working Full-time

"Alzheimer鈥檚-related caregiving duties present expected and unexpected costs for full-time employed caregivers, employers, and society. Research indicates that caregivers provide more than forty hours per week, caring for a relative with Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. The dual responsibilities and pressures of caregiving while remaining active in the general workforce may cause stress and loss of productivity at work. As Alzheimer鈥檚 disease progresses in the patient, a caregiver is less likely to engage in more challenging workplace activities or accept additional roles of responsibility, promotions, or relocation opportunities. Just as the employed caregiver takes on a dual role when providing care for Alzheimer鈥檚 patients, Alzheimer鈥檚 disease plays a dual role in depleting the life of both the patient and the caregiver. This book explores some of the challenges related to the dual roles of a working caregiver and the demands faced by caring for a loved one with Alzheimer鈥檚 disease."


GSA is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging dedicated to the promotion of the study of aging and dissemination of information to scientists, policy decision-makers, and the general public.  Sections and interest groups span basic biological research to clinical to behavioral and social research, humanities and policy. The association sponsors an annual conference and six academic journal publications and numerous newsletters on developments in aging.


ASA is a multidisciplinary association with membership comprised of more than 5,000 practitioners, educators, administrators, and other leaders in the field.  The association sponsors an annual conference and diverse publications on developments in aging.


AAGE was established in 1978 as a multidisciplinary group dedicated to the exploration and understanding of aging across the diversity of human cultures with holistic, comparative, and international approach. AAGE sponsors numerous mentoring opportunities, as well as scholarships for students. Anthropology & Aging (formerly Anthropology & Aging Quarterly) is the official publication of AAGE and is published as a full-fledged digital journal.


AAIC庐 is the Alzheimer鈥檚 Association annual international conference, with opportunities to present, network and learn from the scientists and policymakers dedicated to advancing dementia science.




El USC Centro para el Apoyo a Cuidadores proporciona un grupo de apoyo completamente telef贸nico donde participantes podr谩n compartir sus historias, experiencias, y emociones en confidencia y desde la comodidad de sus propias casas. El grupo de apoyo telef贸nico se lleva a cabo el cuarto jueves de cada mes (10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) y est谩 abierto a todos aquellos que sean cuidadores de un familiar. Para m谩s informaci贸n o para obtener informaci贸n sobre los detalles confidenciales de la llamada, contacte a Alejandra Rojas, facilitadora del grupo de apoyo, al 213.740.3953 . Visite la p谩gina de eventos del Centro para m谩s informaci贸n sobre este y otros recursos.


 El Cap铆tulo Southland de la Asociaci贸n de Alzheimer's proporciono un grupo de apoyo telef贸nico completamente en espa帽ol. El grupo se lleva a cabo el cuarto Martes del Mes, 1 - 2:30 pm. Para m谩s informaci贸n sobre como participar, contacte a Milagros Chumpitaz,MSW al 909.406.5349 o escr铆bale a el .


El sitio Web del AARP contiene mucha informaci贸n beneficiosa sobre el cuidado de Adultos mayores y programas de asistencia en las comunidades de Los 脕ngeles.

La divisi贸n de Parques, recreaci贸n, y vida Marina de la ciudad de Long Beach ofrece una variedad de clases para Adultos mayores; espec铆ficamente adultos de edad 50+. Para recibir una lista de clases en espa帽ol, contacte a Jane Grobaty al (562) 570-3232. Si gusta registrarse a clases en espa帽ol, marque a la oficina de reservaci贸n al (562) 570-3111.

La plataforma Connected LB Digital Access se ha establecido para ayudar a los residentes de Long Beach a obtener acceso de bajo costo a cursos de computaci贸n, servicios de internet y computadoras. Visite el para localisar servicios technologicos en su 谩rea.