MyCED for Graduate Program Applications: Fall 2024

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MyCED is the application system designed to accept Graduate Program Applications in the College of Education at 色中色.

There is a two-part application process. You must submit a Cal State Apply university application first (and pay the $70 application fee). Then you can use MyCED to complete the program application using the link provided by MyCED, which will be sent to you 5 to 7 business days after completing the Cal State Apply application.  

Please find below specific instructions for accessing MyCED if you applied for Fall 2024 admission.  

You will be emailed a secure link that will take you directly to your MyCED application. This link will be used throughout the entire application cycle so do not delete it.

You can save your application, exit the system, and return to MyCED throughout the application window in order to complete your application. The application will remain in a Draft mode until you click the blue submit button. Please be sure to submit before the application window closes. You may also submit your MyCED application even if your recommendations have not yet been submitted.

MyCED will collect the names, affiliation (such as current/former supervisor, professor, etc.), and email addresses of your selected recommenders. MyCED will email them a link to submit a confidential recommendation letter. The email will get sent as soon as you enter the information. If your recommender needs the email to get sent again, there will be a blue button "Send Mail" that will trigger to resend the recommender email.

If you need to add an additional recommender for any reason, you can replace the name of a recommender and it will add the additional name to the list.

You will receive an email when your recommender has submitted their confidential recommendation. You will also be able to view that a document has populated on the list.

Once you submit, you can see if your recommender has submitted their recommendation. You will also have the option to add additional recommender(s) if your original recommender(s) did not yet submit.