COVID-19: Student Resource List

For all university updates regarding COVID-19, please visit Reuniting the Beach.


Several entities on-campus have developed lists of various resources. 


This is the effort of Dr. Rashida Crutchfield, faculty member in the School of Social Work at É«ÖÐÉ«. The list will be continually updated as new resources/supports become available.


É«ÖÐÉ«'s Division of Student Affairs has created this . The list will be continually updated as new resources/supports become available.


continues to provide services to students. See also their  and Beach Wellness Resources.


If you’re experiencing food insecurity, the Beach Pantry is still available with their that are posted on BeachBoard as well as this . 


If you are in need of emergency services, for the Student Emergency Intervention and Wellness Program.


If you find yourself in a position to give, consider helping fellow É«ÖÐÉ« students with the .


The CSU has established Student Support Services, such as health services and basic needs, that may be offered across CSU campuses. This means if you have relocated due to the pandemic and are closer to another CSU campus other than É«ÖÐÉ«, you may be eligible to receive services at the campus closer to you. Please review the comprehensive list of services as well as the guidelines for each. Some services request a referral from the home campus (in this case É«ÖÐÉ«) before seeking the services at another CSU. 

Beach Wellness Package**

Inside this care package, you will find tools and resources to support your physical and mental wellbeing. The interactive table-of-contents allows you to easily click throughout the document. Some highlights of this document include:

  • CAPS virtual support groups and spaces
  • SHS programs, services, and outreach events
  • Mental Health & Wellness Resources available on campus
  • YOU @ É«ÖÐÉ«, a 24/7 resource that is completely customized to fit your needs
  • Self-care micro power breaks – short videos or ideas to help you relax or recharge.
  • SRWC featured events including virtual fitness classes and nutrition counseling

**Text Document Also Available