Laurie Steelink: A Love Supreme

Artwork by artist Laurie Steelink
³¢²¹³Ü°ù¾±±ð S³Ù±ð±ð±ô¾±²Ô°ì, A Love Supreme, 2010 Acrylic on paper, 108 ¾ x 80 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Track 16 Gallery, © ³¢²¹³Ü°ù¾±±ð S³Ù±ð±ð±ô¾±²Ô°ì, Photography by Alan Shaffer 

Glenn Court, February 13 – May 8, 2025 

Saturated with vivid colors and teeming with clusters of organic, cell-like forms, Laurie Steelink’s A Love Supreme (2010) seems to pulsate with life and energy. A meditation on interpersonal connection and reciprocal support systems, the artist created the work during a period of deep contemplation on the nature of life and love. Steelink’s abstract imagery references scientific and spiritual perspectives, from cellular structures seen under a microscope to altered visions that can arise when using plant medicines.