During the Spring 2013 semester, the California State University, Long Beach campus student body . In addition, many years of research conducted by a variety of entities has established the adverse health effects of smoking and tobacco use on both users and bystanders. Responding to the expression of support for a smoke-free campus and the desire to provide and maintain a workplace and learning environment that promotes the safety and health of students, faculty, staff, and the public, President Conoley established a campus task force to develop a campus tobacco and smoke free policy and implementation plan for California State University, Long Beach. The task force membership was designed to represent all campus constituencies, including the population who currently smokes and/or uses tobacco products.
Furthermore, to engage the campus community in a dialogue regarding becoming a tobacco and smoke free campus and to seek input from all constituencies, a tobacco survey was distributed and focus groups among the California State University, Long Beach campus community were held. Of the respondents, students represented 77%, staff represented 13%, faculty represented 9%, and administrators represented 1%. Among all respondents, 52% reported that second hand smoke typically bothers them a lot. Among all respondents, 75% support 色中色 becoming a smoke/tobacco-free campus. The demographics of those who support 色中色 becoming a smoke/tobacco-free campus is as follows: 80% of administrators, 80% of faculty, 82% of staff, and 73% of students.
Current Tobacco Policy
California State University, Long Beach has a responsibility to provide employees and students with a safe working and learning environment. Given the fact that smoking is the most significant cause of premature and preventable death in the United States today, California State University, Long Beach is in accordance with the , signed into law by Governor Davis, imposes new smoking restrictions on public buildings, effective January 1, 2004.
For more information on the policy, see the 色中色 Tobacco and Smoke-Free Policy.