Trish Farber ’83

As a local high school graduate, I was impressed with the changes I found when entering LBSC as a freshman. Barely 18, I went through Panhellenic rush in late summer of 1963, and pledged Tri Delta Sorority. The first semester on campus found me fortunate to have all 15 units I requested on my schedule. Auditioning for the A Capella choir with Mr. Frank Pooler as a conductor was a traumatic experience as competition was so fierce and he was a demanding musician. Lucky me…as I was able to sing 2nd soprano with the award-winning choir during my undergraduate years, some of which were shared with fellow singer, Richard Carpenter. My major was English, minoring in Music as I prepared to become a teacher through what was then the School of Education. Even then, parking spaces were precious, and as I did not have a car until my sophomore year, I had to beg rides from my sorority sisters or friends. All Greeks were housed off campus, just as they are today, so I was grateful for the assistance.

Places to eat on campus were limited at that time, but during my four undergraduate years, there were so many beautiful sculptures placed on campus, and along with the planting of the hundreds of flowering Peach trees, enjoying meals outside was just beautiful, even though the cafeteria was available to all students, M-F and prices were reasonable, (though the menu was limited) and, yes, there were food fights on Friday afternoons there. (What were we thinking?)

Our Long Beach State College was renamed California State College, Long Beach (CSCLB) in my junior year, which as is mentioned later, caused lots of adjustment in many aspects, yet caused us to feel impressed as I recall as undergrads. New State Seal and notoriety as we continue to recognize the “Brown and Gold”. Of course, now it is the Black and Gold, and some of those students in the 60’s did not embrace this change. Our tuition included the fees for our Student Union, which was to be built in the future. None of us complained about this, and I, for one, have enjoyed its benefits for ensuing decades.

After graduating in 1967, I became a teacher and taught Elementary, Middle and High School until fully retiring in 2005. During these years, I returned to what was now ɫɫ to earn a Master’s Degree and Post-Master’s credentials in Education Administration and Mathematics awarded in 1983.

These include Tri Delta Sorority, CSCLB Gold Nugget Award (1966), CSCLB Head Cheerleader (1964-1966), CSCLB “Outstanding Pepster” (1966), Rallies Commission Active member, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Little Sisters of Minerva, University A Capella Choir, Dean’s List (1965), Argonauts Pep Club Secretary (1965-1966), CSCLB Homecoming Queen (1966), Miss Cal State Long Beach (1967).

Football games were among my favorites of course as the 64-67 years were the winningest in our school history. Our senior year, the team was tied for 2nd in CCAA with a 6-3 record, while our two previous season records were 10-1 and 9-2. The home crowds at Veteran’s Stadium often exceeded 20,000 where extra bleachers were placed in the east side and end zones. As a cheerleader during this time, the campus fired up on Fridays where Friday noon Pep Rallies outside the “The Nugget” were well attended too – even with the famous “Nitty Gritty Dirt Band” lifting the 49er football spirit.

Listening to George Deukmejian on the Speaker’s platform campaigning for re-election to represent Long Beach in the CA State Assembly was enlightening (obviously, as he later became our CA governor, and a friend of my family).

Lastly, I must admit that 49er Days and Homecoming celebrations were the best! All of us remember the construction of “Pete’s Gulch” on lower campus to celebrate our school’s unique festive weekend…no matter how you were involved. “Homecoming under The Big top” began with the traditional bonfire, a circus tent constructed on lower campus with 1800 attending, the Hollywood All-stars raising the tempo musically. The evening culminated with the announcement of the Homecoming Queen. Next Day, presided over by CA Lt. Governor, Glenn Anderson leading the floats, 49er Band and Homecoming court. Best of all…we defeated the Cal Poly Mustangs that night in the football game at Vet’s, 32-0. If you were there, you’ll remember the big win.

My favorites were the cafeteria, where it seemed all congregated at various times, the A Capella Choir room where the session rehearsals soothed the soul, and the campus grounds themselves, where the Peach trees, beautiful scenery and sculptures created a relaxing environment.

The undergrad professor who most made an impression on me was my A Capella Choir conductor, Frank Pooler. As for grad level professional influence, I am grateful to Dr. Stuart L. Farber, whose guidance assisted me in achieving my Advanced Degrees and credentials.

CSCLB provided me with a B.A., majoring in English, minoring in Music, while earning an M.A. and credential in Educational Administration. Finally, I completed post-Master’s studies, earning a secondary teaching credential in Mathematics. These varied studies enabled me to become a successful secondary interdisciplinary educator.

Besides the aforementioned graduate studies, I began a secondary teaching career in January, 1968, retiring in June, 2005. During those years spent mostly at Bellflower High School and La Quinta High School, I taught various math/interdisciplinary courses. During those years, my efforts were recognized with such rewards as the ABC “Golden Apple” Award, “NBC TV Crystal Apple” Award, LA County Math Teacher of the Year, 2 LQHS and 2 BUSD “Teacher of the Year” awards among others. In 2014, I was awarded the title of ɫɫ Alumni Association “Distinguished Alumna”, College of Education.

I have been married to Dr. Stuart Farber for 34 years. We have enjoyed cruising aboard “Touchdown”, our 42’ Chris Craft, our 40-yard line seats for UCLA football games at the Rose Bowl, our 2nd home in La Quinta, Season Orchestral concerts at the McCallum Theater and traveling. To keep me sane, I crochet, needlepoint, cross stitch and design and paint mixed media artwork.

Besides the aforementioned activities, we stay connected to ɫɫ. My husband retired as ɫɫ Dean of Students Emeritus in 2003 and in 2011 as CBA Professor of Business. Our connections include the President’s Associates, Carillon Society, Alumni Association, and Director’s Circle for Athletics, Fine Arts Affiliates, Friends of the Japanese Garden and Women and Philanthropy. We donated two scholarships to the College of Education, one to Athletics, two for ASI (one endowed), and 2 to the College of Business Administration (one endowed).

We were the first donors to the Student Recreation and Wellness Center with the gift of the “Farber Fitness Room”, The Dr. Stuart L. Farber Senate Chambers was dedicated in 2006, and shortly thereafter our donation of tables and chairs to the CBA Student Quad was observed as well.

I look forward to greeting you in November as your 1967 Golden Graduates Program Keynote Speaker. We ARE the 49ers!