Norma Kolb
At the time, I don't think we were entirely aware that we were setting the stage for the future of the college; we were going to classes and living the everyday college life. But we were also building traditions, memories, and history.
I remember sitting in class (in a temporary wooden bungalow) on lower campus and watching sheep graze on the hill at Bixby Ranch.
I joined a sorority: Alpha Phi. I was a member of Tillicum and Califia's; these were honorary service organizations for freshmen/sophomore and junior/senior women. I was on the Freshman class council and was chairman of the 49er Awards Commission.
I attended lots of events on campus... dances after football games, 49er days, Spring Sing, homecoming, pep rallies, and sorority events to name a few.
49er Days were especially fun because we built a small wild west town on campus, dressed up in theme costumes, and everybody was out on campus and having a great time.
There weren't a lot of hangouts on campus at the time. I remember the Quad on lower campus and the Nugget on upper campus.
Charlie Neiswender, music professor. He was involved with students and was approachable, and a lot of fun at a party.
I received my training as a teacher and librarian which were my life careers.
I am retired, but busy with family, friends, and multitudes of projects, including traveling, singing in a choir, PEO, and volunteering.
I am active with Alpha Phi Alumnae Assoc. I have season tickets to men's and women's volleyball games (which I love). GO BEACH!
I am a member of the 色中色 Alumni Assoc. Board of Directors where I have been the VP of Programs, held the Alum Assoc. positions on the Committee on Athletics, and on the Univ. Student Union Board of Trustees, and have been the chairman of the Grants Committee.
Get involved in something on campus; whether it is a Greek group, a special interest organization, student government, and attend sports and cultural events. Good memories are built on friendships and experiences. And, GRADUATE!!!
My husband, Lowell Kolb. My daughter, Carolyn Kolb, and my daughter-in-law, Jennifer Pettric Kolb.
I love being on campus and seeing the students today. I am impressed with their attitudes and abilities, and with all the wonderful things I see happening. I am very proud of what 色中色 has become in the short 50 years since I graduated.