Donna Ray Weber '59
My four years at 色中色 were some of the best years of my life. I enjoyed being involved in many activities and organizations. The leadership abilities that I obtained have been carried with me throughout my life. Having a college education allowed me to have a better life.
My greatest honor was receiving a Forty-niner Award given to four outstanding graduating senior.
I was a member of Delta Zeta sorority, Califias (president for a semester), Prospector staff (Greek editor 1957-58, organizations editor 1956-57) Alpha Phi Gamma, CSTA (future teacher organization, president for a year), student government, and other organizations.
I attended all of them for four years. 49er Days were especially lots of fun with costumes and all the food booths. The dances were always fun and romantic. In the early days Lower Campus as it was called was a favorite hang-out.
I received a BA degree in Education in 1959. I taught school in Garden Grove for over 25 years. I now substitute in Santa Ana where both of my daughters teach.
Dr. Shipley's classes and field trips were some of the greatest. I always enjoyed teaching science to 6th graders.
I am actively involved in serveral service organizations including Assistance League of Garden Grove, Docent at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, P.E.O. chapter PW, Alpha Delta Kappa.
Being involved in campus activities as much as possible as it gives on a chance to meet other students and a better understanding of life.